Kingston upon Hull

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Better known by the name of the river that runs through its centre, Hull is a city (population approx. 300, 000) in East Yorkshire on the northern bank of the river Humber.

Long Erections

In the 1970's, the local council (with central government backing) began to construct what was at the time the world's longest single-span suspension bridge across the river Humber, thereby connecting Hull with the southern-bank towns of Scunthorpe, Grimsby, Cleethorpes et al.

Unfortunately for them, and the bain of the relatively spectacular construction ever since, is that world-first construction projects tend to over-run their deadlines and budgets. As such the tolls, now in excess of £2, fail completely to cover the interest payments on the debt, never mind reducing the burden of debt itself. And because the tolls are widely regarded as excessive, only the richest and most naive locals use the bridge at all. Instead foreign toursists from places such as Royston, Herts, provide what little revenue the bridge enjoys.


From next year, with a direct rail service to London King's Cross seven times a day, Hull will be placed 'on the map' of national commuter-type affluent-esque residential districts. £45,000 will purchase the canny buyer a two-bed luxury apartment with a view of the Humber Bridge, and £1.10 will buy a pint of Sam Smith's best bitter at pubs such as Durty Nellie's in Beverley, a historic market town to the north of the city.

Vicoria Dock is the city's answer to London's Docklands development, and is bustling with solicitors, accountants and consultants of all personality-types. Sweeping views of the river make this location one of growth and spiralling property values.

Bars and clubs such as Rhythm Room, LA's, Waterfront, Tower, Earl De Grey, Blue Bell, Ye Olde Corn Exchange, The Mint, and others provide a hustling bustler night-life to be proud of. Less respectable evenings can be, er, 'had' down Waterhouse Lane.

Neighbouring Towns

York, Leeds, Doncaster, Sheffield, Scarborough, Cleethorpes, Grimsby, Goole, Barton, Scunthorpe, Bridlington, Withernsea, Thirsk, Rotherham, Chesterfield, Hessle and Whitby are all within a 60-minute drive (off-peak) from the centre of Hull.


Almost totally harmless, very flat and jolly good fun.

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