Pokemon:A detailed description for the people who don't know about them.

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For the people who have seen the kids of today going crazy over a bunch of fictitious little animals which battle each other and do strange things, but not know what they’re called, where they came from and what their purpose is......

Pokemon. Created by the Japanese are the latest child’s toy craze to hit the market. But what are they? Are they robots? Super heroes? Space Aliens? Most people like to believe that they’re a little bit of everything. But Pokemon are “like” animals but have little twist on them.
For example take a cat now give it a funny name based on what basically describes it, make it look weird, give some sort of special power and the ability to evolve and you have what is called a “Meowth”. Strange huh? But most don’t even resemble animals, they just look like mutants or aliens which do strange things.
Of course there aren’t limited amounts of Pokemon in the world, there are just a limited amount known to man. There are about 150 known to man in fact, but the Japanese creators keep saying that there are many more to be discovered which are extremely rare, that is if they really exist.
With all these exciting creatures in the world you’d want one wouldn’t you, or perhaps all of them? Well that’s the aim of the Pokemon concept, to become a Pokemon master.
The only way to become a master is to be a excellent trainer and catch all Pokemon in the world. What is a Trainer? A Pokemon trainer is a lot like any animal trainer. They take care of their Pokemon and teach it special fighting moves to fight other Pokemon and win money and other goodies. A trainer usually leaves home with a dream in mind, and that is to become a master, and be best friends with all of his/her Pokemon.
Now not all Pokemon trainers dare leave home without all the proper equipment. This equipment includes various things to make the job easier. For example, with all the Pokemon you catch you’ll need to put them somewhere or be able to carry them easily. This is where a thing called a Poke-Ball comes in handy, it minimizes the Pokemon somehow and stores it in a Ball the size of Cricket ball. You can’t catch Pokemon without one.
But what if you see a Pokemon you don’t know or what to know more about it? Well that’s when the Poke-dex comes in handy. This lightweight, compact mini-computer stores all information about all known 150 Pokemon.
Well that’s the basic equipment covered but what if my Pokemon are sick? Well you just take them to a special hospital called a Poke-center where the nurses will take care of your Pokemon from there.
As I mentioned before you battle your Pokemon for money, glory and honor but you ask your self isn’t there some kind of federation or organization to compete at with people all over the world? You bet. It’s called the Pokemon League. But the only way to compete in these Pokemon Olympics is to obtain Gym Badges. These are like medals or proof of skill awarded by Gym leaders to say that you, the challenging trainer, beat them in a battle and is a very good trainer and so-forth. You must obtain eight of these Badges to compete in the Pokemon League.
Well that’s about all aspects there really is to know about Pokemon and by now you’re probably asking yourself: Where in the hell did all this garbage come from! The answer is this. In about late 1998 to early 1999 a game company named Nintendo started releasing a strange set of games called Pokemon. They came in two different editions, Red and Blue. No one really knew what the games were all about but people began to buy them and others followed them. The beauty part of this game scam was you had to buy both games to collect all the Pokemon and keep playing it to find secret Pokemon.
After the game was a big hit, people wanted more so the TV cartoon was created which is very popular with kids all over the world and makes Pokemon a bigger hit. Following the cartoon came trading cards, paperback books, a Yellow edition of the famous game, two soundtracks and the latest creation, a movie.
All these products sky-rocketed Pokemon’s popularity and the craze is still growing. But if for some strange reason you seem to be annoyed by these products there is a hope for you: Kids are always changing their tastes, so in about a year or two Pokemon will die out and be forgotten and something even more annoying will take it’s place.

By Ford Prefect

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