Created | Updated Oct 20, 2010
said that universe had a beggining.<BR/>
There had been an explosion, he said.<BR/>
A bang of bangs, he said.<BR/>
He had even calculated the length of its life:<BR/>
ten billion revolutions of the earth around the sun.<BR/>
The entire globe cheered;<BR/>
they found his calculations to be science.<BR/>
None thought that by proposing that the universe began,<BR/>
the man had merely mirrored the syntax of his mother tongue;<BR/>
a syntax which demands begginings, like birth,<BR/>
and developments, like maturation,<BR/>
and ends, like death, to be statements of facts.<BR/>
The universe began,<BR/>
and it will die, like all things die,<BR/>
like he himself died after confirming mathmatically<BR/>
the syntax of his mother tonue.<BR/>
<A HREF="">The other syntax</A>