Catching Busses/Trains/Boats/etc.

1 Conversation

1. Always get scheduals -- they are not always accurate but
they are better than nothing; and even though it wont help
if a bus is late, if a bus is early, and the driver can take
an extra coffee break -- they will. So they are never
too far off.

2. Figure out how long it will take to get there (this may
take a non hurried walk through some day) ... add 5 minutes
and a further 5 minutes and leave that long before the bus
is schedualed to come. The first 5 minutes is to cover
yourself if you are running late, and need a little extra
time; and the second 5 minutes is in case the bus is early1.

3. Before you go, check to see if you have your fare/pass.

4. Check again -- there is nothing worse than getting on the bus
and finding out you forgot your wallet.

These seem like pretty common sensicle rules, but so many people miss so many things on a daily basis that a system is perhaps waranted.
1Note that this way, if you really need it, you have 10 extra minutes to protect yourself if, say, your clothes arent dry, or the driver is quite early.

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