Ineffable Pettiness Trivia

2 Conversations

Thoughts and words are escapin my mind , not a single phrase to remember that beholds a true core . Sayings are merged into deeds of shallow goals ; minutes go into hours with time being erased .
My own trivia is being emulsified, transformed into mere pieces of garabage, not to be recylced yet rather evapourated.
My heart is rendered sad and lonely but not in solitude. My cravings have got the best in me and thoughts are objectified and conformitizedinto the good, glossy background of me which I rather keep for the rest of my life . Yet with such a life or even such a world can the pure, immense, direct kindness prevail ; to my doubt !
It will designate , and resign and upon such letters pettiness applies , substitutes race , the best will win ; yet no cardinal behaviour is the ultimate and your way to the most flithy asylum is embedded with rose petals and incarcinated of all strings for your fall to be the history of enthralling , yet definite fate.

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