South Marston, Wiltshire, England

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South Marston is a small and unheard of village whose claim to fame is... um... come to think of it, it doesn't have a claim to fame. It resides for most of the year just outside Swindon, to the northeast, except for its holiday when it generally goes to Barbados, or sometimes to Antarctica. But since this holiday only lasts for a fraction of a second, most people don't notice it.

South Marston is much like any other small village, with little old ladies bumbling around gossiping about all the other little old ladies, who themselves are gossiping about all the other little old ladies... you get the general idea.

There is one small shop in South Marston. This goes by the highly original and imaginative name of "South Marston Village Shop." It includes almost everything that everybody wants, and several things that nobody wants, and some things that everybody should want but don't, such as electric toothbrushes.

Somehow or other, a children's playing area found its way to South Marston, along with a football pitch. The game that is played on the football pitch bears an uncanny resemblance to football, but nevertheless has some important differences. Firstly, the players are nice to each other; secondly, it actually looks fun.

If you should ever be in the vicinity of South Marston, just remember one thing... look out for the speed bumps. They're deadly.

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