pocket lint

1 Conversation

pocket lint is a common and incredilbly underlooked useful object. what sort of uses does it have you ask?

USE #1- in the event of being in extreme isolation from any food joint, pocket lint can be great substitute for food. you never have to worry about not having any around because its always their ( and sucks to those who prefer sweats!). If in the event that lint turns out to be highly toxic, don't panic because you are likely to die at that stage any way.

USE#2- lets say that you are cornered buy a ravenous bugblattered beast of trowel and you need something to blind the horrible creature with. if you are the type that consistently strolls along with your hands in your pockets,then you've got the element of surprise and the element of an extra five seconds on your side. because you now have the ability to thruogh lint in its eyes and escape as it thrashes about.

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