Imogen Heap. From Croydon. So the place has some use, then.

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Now, despite the inherent pointlessness of Croydon, unless we use it as a descriptive tem ( see entry "Croydon as adjective" ), there happens to be quite a modicom of talent there. We're not talking about Ronnie Corbett, or even Dave Prowse, ( he who provided the form of Darth Vader in the wonderfully understated doco-drama, "A New Hope" ). No, we wish to draw your attention to a tall, auburn haired songstress named Imogen Heap. With a dash of Tori Amos, and just a blend of Kate Bush, she should appeal to that end of the market who tends to blurt out "42" when the subject of the meaning of life is broached. Her website, at the time of this entry, is down, but might be worth trying now - it's , and her album, "I Megaphone", can be bought from Almo Sounds. And no, I'm not her publistst. Heck, I can't even spell publsist...

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