CAC : Continuum - Verc's Issue - STATUS : Getting there

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So, who's taking the minutes?

Fiction smiley - stiffdrink
Weird Science smiley - stout
First/Personals smiley - redwine
Kitchen Syncronicitiessmiley - ale

"...Anyway, I also thought you might like to see this"[said Wonko the Sane]

This was the thing that Arthur had been stunned to see him carrying, for it was a wonderful silver-grey fish bowl, seemingly identical to the one in his bedroom.

From So Long for All the Fish

You are? Oh excellent, I'll begin then...


What is it about fish?

The whole planet is obessed about them. And why? Well God only knows... assuming the babel fish didn't finish him off first before he managed to figure it out! smiley -

Everybody has probably eaten a fish at some point in their lives. Fish, and why they are so utterly gorgeous to eat! briefly explains this

The British Yellow Pages ran an advert about
a guy who wanted book about fly fishing, by JR Hartley. There wasn't one, so what did they do?
They actually went made a book about it!

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, had as it main way of getting around the barriers
of communication (which would be evident to any intergalactic space traver) by sticking a fish in
the said male or female Hitchhikers ear.

There was a film named after a fish called wanda (strangely enough the film was
called "A fish called Wanda").

Then there are computer games. There was a computer game series called James Pond about a fish who
happened to be a secret agent, there are the inevitable fishing games

Okay I know its not finished, but what do you expect? Rome wasn't built in a day you know smiley - .

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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