Sony's Playstation 2

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Not long now...

To be launched March 4th 2000 in Japan costing 39,800 Yen, and 29th September 2000 in Europe at a price of £300-£350. It will be the most powerful games consol on earth. I am of course talking about the Playstation 2. Forget the Dreamcast, the Playstation 2 will be a lot better. It will be capable of playing current Playstation games due to its core processor being the same as in the current Playstation.
The new controller, Dual Shock 2, will be the most advanced controller known, as the buttons will be analogue. For example the harder you press a button the higher a character jumps, or the faster a car accelerates. This will dramatically change game play as your mood may alter the game.
Back to the Dreamcast it may be the best console out, being able to play games over the Internet and send emails, but seeing as this Internet option won’t be working in Europe until spring 2000, lots of the games have had the Internet gaming removed. So the Dreamcast can connect to the Internet, but the games are on CD and these have their limits. However the Playstation 2 games will be on DVD and CD, this give the Playstation 2 the added advantage of being able to play DVD videos and of course still being able to play audio CDs.
I leave the choice up to you either buy the Dreamcast now for £200 or wait a year and pay a bit extra for the Playstation 2. I know what my choice will be.
For a full look at the spec,visit the Playstation site

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