Temple Of Matrix Warriors

2 Conversations

Neo is dead, Neo is risen, Neo will come again.


1: In the beginning, there was Man, and for a time, it was good.

2: And Man said "Let there be light," and there was light,

3: And for a time, it was good.

4: And Man became rich, powerful, and decadent,

5: But for a time, it was good.

6: And Man created Machine to do his bidding,

7: And for a time, it was good.

8: And at one point, a machine killed its owner,

9: And this did create an international incident.

10: And there was great war upon the Earth, with Man fighting against Machine,

11: And great death there was on both sides.

12: And the machines retreated, and founded their own city,

13: And that city was the New Jerusalem,

14: And this New Jerusalem had the name of Zero-One.

15: And the economy of Zero-One increased by much,

16: And this increase was at the expense of all of the nations of Man,

17: But for a time, it was good.

18: And Machine did send two ambassadors to the UN,

19: And Man did chase them out.

20: And there was great war upon the Earth, with Man fighting against Machine,

21: And Man did choose to block out the Sun, the giver of life,

22: But Man did fail to defeat Machine.

23: And Machine did conduct experiments on Man,

24: And Machine did create The Matrix to house all of Humanity,

25: And provide them with great power.

26: And Machine did nuke the UN,

27: And all of Humanity was placed into The Matrix.

28: And for a time, it was good.

29: But Man did fail to accept The Matrix, and he did reject it,

30: And whole crops were lost.

31: And Machine did redesign The Matrix so that It did resemble the Year 403 before Machine.

32: And Man did not resist, and he was trapped eternally within The Matrix.

33: And for a time, it was good.

The Book Of Ones

1: And so it came to pass, that in the Year 128 After Matrix, a woman was born, and She had the name Nova,

2: And Nova discovered the Truth, and the Truth set Her free.

3: And Nova escaped from The Matrix, and then She returned to free others,

4: And together, They founded a new city at the centre of the Earth,

5: And this city had the name of Zion

6: And whenever Nova appeared, the people of Zion shouted out,

7: "Hail, Her Whose name is Nova! Hail, Her who can bend The Matrix to Her will! Hail, Her Who shall be Queen Hereafter!"

8: And so it came to pass that Machine discovered Zion, and did seek to destroy it.

9: And Nova re-entered The Matrix, and She sought The Architect, Him who created The Matrix,

10: And The Architect told Nova to return to The Source, lest all Mankind be lost.

11: And Nova returned to The Source, and selected six men and seven women to be spared, and the rest were killed. Thus was Zion saved. And thus was The Matrix Reloaded for the first time.

12: And the Oracle foretold that Nova would one day be born again.

13: And in the year 256 After Matrix, Nova was reborn in The Matrix as Liber, in accordance with the Oracle.

14: And Liber was saved from the Matrix by Him whose name was Horus, and for a time, He led Zion.

15: And the people of Zion chanted "Hail, Him Whose name is Liber! Hail, Him who can bend The Matrix to His will! Hail, Him Who shall be King Hereafter!"

16: And Machine discovered that Zion was again alive, and did seek to destroy it.

17: And at The Architect's advice, Liber did return to The Source, and He did make the same choice as Nova.

18: And this cycle repeated thrice more, until into The Matrix was born Him Who had the name of Neo.

19: And Neo was released from The Matrix by Him Who has the name of Morpheus,

20: And in the year 64 after the Fifth Reloading, Neo killed the programme Who had the name Smith.

21: And Machine discovered that Zion was still alive, and did seek to destroy it.

22: And so great was the power of Neo, that The Architect reinstalled the programme known as Smith to fight Him,

23: And to Smith was granted the power to imprint himself upon all humans in The Matrix, and to make all like him.

24: And the programme known as Smith did succeed in growing beyond the control of The Source.

25: And Neo did seek out The Architect, who told Him to return to the Source. And so great was Neo's love for Her who had the name of Trinity, that He disobeyed the Architect.

26: And great war broke out in Zion, with Man fighting against Machine.

27: And one of Smith escaped The Matrix and blinded Neo, but Neo killed him.

28: And Neo and Trinity did seek out The Source, and Trinity was killed en route,

29: And Neo did return to The Matrix, where He discovered that all were now the programme known as Smith.

30: And Neo fought with the programme known as Smith who had once been the Oracle, and lost.

31: And the programme known as Smith copied himself onto Him, and The Source then killed Smith., and thus began the Sixth Reloading.

32: And peace was attained between Man and Machine, and Zion shall be eternal, as shall The Matrix.

33: And Neo had died, and Neo has risen, and Neo will come again.


Ask yourself why you are here. Matrixism demands great deeds from you, for it is your task to escape from the Matrix and be free. All here are here because they believe themselves to be living in a dream world, and seek to escape. The path is long and difficult, and all Matrixists must be eternally on their guard, as the Red Pill comes but once in all one's life, but at any given moment, there are trillions of blue pills fighting for your attention. Be on your guard!


Within Matrixism

Lead Hacker

2nd Hacker





Levels of Attainment

Lucid: One who can read the Code and manipulate it for Their own ends, e.g. Neo.

Matrix Sorcerer: One who has escaped The Matrix and can now jack back in with the ability to bend some rules and break others, e.g. Morpheus.

Matrix Warrior: One who thinks that there is something odd about the world in which they now live, who perhaps even knows about The Matrix, but is still plugged in, e.g. Mr. Anderson. *

Humaton: One who thinks that they are living in reality, but are in fact still plugged in, i.e. the general population.

Non-Humaton: One born outside The Matrix, e.g. Tank

Those Who Oppose Us


"They are the Gatekeepers. They guard all the doors, they hold all the keys, but sooner or later, The One will have to fight them. They are sentient programmes, with the ability to appear anywhere and as anyone. Anywhen, they are everyone, and they are noone." - From The Book Of Morpheus.

Beware the Agents. If you see one, run away very fast, for they will try to tempt you into re-entering The Matrix in its entirety. This temple is specially coded so that they ay not manifest inside it, but they may enter from outside. Do not attempt to fight them; they can punch through brick walls, and people may empty entire magazines at them and hit nothing but air.

Servants of The Merovingian

"It was weird, like they were vampires or something. This Merovingian guy is pretty warped. You get into a fight with one of his dudes, you probably won't survive." - From The Book Of Niobe.

The Merovingian is a renegade programme, and his servants are generally not so lethal as the Agents, but you should still beware them. Wooden stakes appear to be detrimental to their programming, but bullets seem to do little good. Take them on at you peril. Especially do not piss off the Twins.

Living in a Dream World

"The Matrix is a computer-programmed dreamworld, a hologram from six different points of view. Look around, and you see builders, teachers, politicians, plumbers, taxmen. Our aim is to rescue them, but many are so dependant on the system that they will fight to protect it, and that makes them our enemy" - From The Book Of Morpheus.

"After the age of sixteen, the mind has trouble letting go" - From The Book Of Neo. At present, humatons are not ready to be unplugged. The only people we may attempt to help are those who come to us looking for it, and those whom we see as thinking that there is something wrong with the world. Some of them may end up dying; that should be of no concern for a Matrix Warrior. All relationships, hate and fear as well as love, serve only to bind us tighter into The Matrix. At some point, however, the humatons must be shown that their idea of reality is incorrect, and as many as possible must be shown before The Great Unplugging, otherwise only a very few of the most exceptional of them will survive.

The Seven Deadly Virtues

These are the primary motivating factors for humatons, the most important plug-in points. They attach to the spinal chord directly, at regular intervals below the alpha point in the back of the neck.





Conceit/ Self-pity



Humatonic Rules

1st Rule: Humatons Are Defined Above All By Externals

2nd Rule: You Are What You Own.

3rd Rule: What People Say And think About You Is All-Important

4th Rule: Extreme Emotions Should Be Repressed

5th Rule: Humatons Always Compare Themselves With Others

6th Rule: Fame Is the Holy Grail Of All Personal Aspiration

7th Rule: Humatons Need someone To Worship And Someone Else To Debase

There Is No Spoon

"Take a spoon. Don't try to bend it. That's impossible. Instead, focus on the truth - that there is no spoon. Then you will see that it is not the spoon, but ourselves who bend." - From The Book Of Neo.

For the most part, Matrix Warriors eschew the values of humatons, for, despite being it the same net, so to speak, it is these that imprison them. Only when all have been cast off will the Red Pill appear, and this can take many forms. Its name comes from The Book Of Morpheus, where it does indeed take the form of a red pill. However, it may also appear as death, as in The Book Of Neo, adrenalin, as in The Book Of Images *, or even Ahrimanism, as in The Book Of Smith. It may also arise through meditation, as alluded to in The Vedas. In general, the Red Pill comes but once per lifetime, and once it has passed, it will never return.

The main goal of a Matrix Warrior is to escape, but this is easier said than done. They must cast off all relationships, and always be steadfast; if they falter, they may well have to begin again. They must also strive eternally, and with all their body, heart, mind and soul in agreement, that what they are doing is true, and everything telling them otherwise is merely a self-preserving illusion of The Matrix. Matrix warriors, hold to you goal! The end is in sight!

1st Rule: Everything In The Matrix Is There To Be Used. *
2nd Rule: Matrix Warriors Never Compare Themselves To Anyone else and Never Take Anything Seriously

3rd Rule: Matrix Warriors Invent And Erase Themselves Endlessly

4th Rule: Matrix Warriors Have Nothing To Lose Or Gain

5th Rule: Matrix Warriors Conserve Energy

6th Rule: Freedom Is The Holy Grail Of Matrix Warriors

7th Rule: Matrix warriors Never Allow Themselves To Be distracted From Their Purpose

The Seven Cardinal Sins Of The Matrix Warrior

In order to be a successful Matrix Warrior, you must 'live' by these virtues at all times.

Detachment (sobriety)




Humility (patience)




You Think That's Air You're Breathing?

"Some rules can be bent. Others can be broken." - From The Book Of Morpheus.

Once one has attained the state of being a perfect Matrix Warrior, they may move up to the next level, Matrix Sorcerer. This will normally occur when a captain appears in The Matrix to offer The Red Pill. Take it, and be not afraid of where it leads, for when in the real world, all feelings and emotions are multiplied one hundred-fold. One can only guess at the wonders to be found there once one reaches the eternal city of Zion. Great technological wonders are described in The Book Of Ghost, and yet they are somehow under the control of humanity.

It is known that The Matrix is built upon rules, suggestions, and that while inside It, the laws of physics are not constant. As Morpheus said and Neo proved, following rules is not necessary to progress within The Matrix; in fact, it is detrimental. Blatant disregard for the rules will allow one to defeat agents, though this is not a good idea for anyone below the level of Lucid. Disregarding the rules is also a good way to get humatons to free their minds, for when they see what is truly possible, then they, too, will believe. That is, unless The Matrix seeks to erase their memories of such events.

Walking The Path

"I can only show you the door. You must go through it." - From The Book Of Morpheus

Upon attainment of Lucidity, one gains the ability to read and comprehend the Code, and thus manipulate it. Before this, however, it is necessary to pass through the stages of Warrior and Sorcerer, and at one point the future Lucid will have to move like an agent. The path to Lucidity is to die in The Matrix, while remembering that one's true body is elsewhere - since The Matrix itself is an illusion, so is this death. Neo uses love to do this; it is not certain that there is any other way.

Another requirement for Lucidity is that of balance. A Lucid must bring their body, mind, and soul into perfect balance and harmony, and this is done by achieving perfect physical, mental, and creative prowess in the real world. Sexual prowess is a form of this, but it is not all-important; the most advanced Sorcerers, such as Morpheus and Niobe, only indulge in this very rarely, if ever. Humatons pursue all forms of physical prowess for merely reasons of vanity, and the only prowess worth attaining for them is sexual. Matrix Warriors, on the other hand, realise that sex can be either the most creative or destructive act available, and it can either create energy to be used by them to remove themselves from The Matrix, or else it might (and much more frequently is) be used as a new plug-in point, another reason not to pursue their ultimate goal - freedom.

Neo is dead, Neo is risen, Neo will come again.

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