Curacoa - Cruise ship in WW1

2 Conversations

The Curacoa was a First World War cruiser, It was on Atlantic convoys, covering the 'Queen Mary' one way, and the 'Queen Elizabeth the other.In October, it picked up the 'Queen Mary' which used to do an antisubmarine zig-zag. So much on one leg, and so much on the other.

When one of the ships should have zagged, they zigged, and the 'Queen Mary' went straight through the middle of the 'Curacoa'. There were twenty-six survivors out of four hundred and seventy-odd men. The after part sank immediantly, and the fore part floated four about a quarter of an hour.

Most of the people on board died brom oil.

The survivors had to wait until a polish destroyer came along to pick them up.

Before the 'Curacoa' got sunk, it was fitted with new equipment for the russian run, which nobody was looking faward to, but all the equipment went to the bottom of the Atlantic.

The food on the 'Curacoa' was often so bad, noone didnt really eat it, they used to go ashore and get a decent meal.

The 'Curacoa has not yet been found, and is beleived to be buried under years of Antartic sea dust.

The none survivors where recovered floating in the water, and buried with abit of dignity, although not all the survivors were found.

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