SPIKE'S BIO (Angel Research)

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William The Bloody aka Spike

Spike started off his life as a poet in London called William. After being scorned by a girl he was in love with he went out to the streets and a vampire called Drusilla spotted him, and wanting a playmate turned him that night. And so his life as a vampire began. He got his name Spike because he always tortured his victims using railroad spikes. Together him, Darla, Drusilla and Angelus roamed Europe causing mayhem. In 1900 during the Boxer Rebellion in China Spike killed his first slayer. Spike and Drusilla went to Prague while Darla and Angelus went to Romania. In Prague they weren't very well received and an angry mob chased them out of town. In the 1970's Spike was in New York where he called his second slayer. After this he headed over to the hellmouth, Sunnydale where he would find the cure for Drusilla because she was weakened by the mob in Prague. The cure being Angel's blood. But all didn't go as planned as Drusilla was restored but Spike was injured and forced into a wheelchair.

The night Angelus returned the trio returned and vowed to end the world. But Buffy stopped that plan in its tracks and Spike & Drusilla left town. They headed to Brazil, but here Spike left Drusilla because she was "cheating on him". He returned to Sunnydale on two occasions, the second being the one where he stayed for a bit longer. But while there he was caught by a government task force called The Initiative where they implanted a chip in his brain which stopped him from killing, harming or feeding off another being. Spending more time around the slayer also brought an uncomfortable feeling with it, he began to fall in love with her. First it was an obsession but it grew to a huge amount. Spike was scorned by Buffy and so wanted to give her what she got coming, and went in search of something to remove the chip from his brain. Instead his human soul was returned. He's now residing in the basement of the new Sunnydale High.

With some help from Buffy he managed to get out of the basement and return to form. With his soul returned he tried to help Buffy and co as much as he could. Though there were conflicting thoughts on what he should be doing, which weren't helped by The First playing with his mind. But he managed to get by that too and turned out to be the only one to destroy the hellmouth. Using an amulet brought to Sunnydale by Angel, wearing it in conjunction with his soul destroyed the hellmouth along with Sunnydale and himself.

Mysteriously, the amulet which Spike used to destroy the Hellmouth turned up in the LA branch of Wolfram & Hart, under the management of Angel & co. When the amulet was found it triggered something which released Spike from it. Spike is now somehow tied to Wolfram & Hart and is unable to leave LA without popping back up in the law firm.

Written By TEAM ANGEL (Darla)

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