LORNE'S BIO (Angel Research)

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Krevlorneswath of the Deathwok Clan

Also known as The Host and Lorne he arrived in LA after getting sucked into a portal which appeared in his home dimension of Pylea. He was never happy in Pylea, he knew that he was different from everyone else there. When he arrived in Los Angeles he was brought by the portal to a warehouse, which he created into a club for demons and humans alike called Pylea. Lorne has the ability to "read" people, after they sing he can guide the person, demon, vampire about their future. In Pylea this talent is usually used to read an enemy's next move in battle. The club that Lorne opened in Los Angeles was called Caritas and was a sanctuary for demons and humans. But after numerous occasions on which the club was blown up, burnt down or destroyed Caritas is no longer there. Lorne has moved on and is now in Las Vegas where he's reading people there. However the situation in Las Vegas wasn't all it was cracked up to be, he was actually held prisoner there forced to work against his will. Angel and co went up to meet him and turned out to save him and bring him back to LA.

He's now living in the Hyperion Hotel and working with Angel & Co.


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