GUNN'S BIO (Angel Research)

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Gunn is the leader of a group of street kids, living in one of the less desireable areas of Los Angeles. They know about the evil that lurks under the surface of their city and are well prepared to take of it. They live in a heavily fortified warehouse, laden with booby-traps to dust the unsuspecting vampire. They take the offencive also, driving out in a pick up truck with nifty fence-pole stake features and a roof-mounted stake gun. These aren't people who hide away from the vampires, they actively seek them out and destroy them.

Gunn has a hard responsibilty for one so young. Deserted when a child, he has had to care for his younger sister, Alonna, as they grew up and now he has to take care of all the street kids that live in the warehouse. He first encounters Angel, when Angel strays onto his patch dealing with the blackmailer of one of his clients. He overhears Angel tell the blackmailer that this is his patch and he's not planning on moving, so Gunn decides to move him on himself, which end up with Angel being chased through the booby-trapped warehouse, only just managing to get through unscathed. He proved to Gunn that he isn't your average vampire when he saves Alonna's life when she trips one of the traps, as a sharp, wooden bolt hurtles towards her Angel snaps out his arm and takes the bolt through his palm.

They have an uneasy alliance until Alonna is kidnapped by the local vampires and turned. Gunn is horrified to see this monster in his sister's body. She tells him that she can look after him now. He can't bear to see her like this and stakes her, before helping Angel.
Afterwards Angel tells him that he'd like to help Gunn and that one day he will turn to Gunn for help. That day came quite quickly. A diversion is needed so Angel can break into Wolfram and Hart's building and Gunn is the obvious choice. In he walks as bold as brass and launches into a loud (and amusing) tirade about how Wolfram and Hart is the mecca for racist white people before releasing a vampire into the foyer.

Angel tracks down Gunn again a few days later and asks him to look after Cordelia and Wesley who are in the hospital. Gunn agrees. After this they call Gunn in to help a few times and then after much nudging from Cordelia Gunn is added to the payroll and become an official Angel Investigations employee. He still keeps tabs on his old crew and helps them out whenever they need it.

He finally gives Angel his all when he agrees to go along on a trip from which they may never return to a hell dimension called Pileah. They do finally manage to return having saved Cordy and a crazy girl called Fred who Gunn later fell inlove with. The realtionship with Fred was going great until some of his past demons came to bite him in the....He didnt tell Fred the truth and almost signed his life away, he had not had Faith enough in Angel to get him out of this, so he kept it a secret. But when Angel did find out he saved Gunn and finally earned Gunn's respect as a fighter and a leader.

Gunn's realationship with Fred was now back on track but that was not to last for long, when Fred finds out that it was her old professor who sent her to hell (Pileah) she is all sent to kill him, but Gunn couldn't let her do that, live with that so he killed him for her. After this they were never the same knowing that they had murdered a person waighed heaving on their souls and when Angelus returned to stir things up things just got worse as he told them of Wesley's feeling for Fred, which led to a kiss, which Gunn walked in on. The realationship was well and truly over after this.

When Angel's team is offered the key to evil central Gunn is the first to accept as he has always seen himself as just the muscle in the team and what Wolfram and Hart were offering him would make him so much more. So he then gets his brain upgrade which gives him all the knowledge of human and demon laws he needs to help Angel with his fight against evil. But this was not to last his upgrade starts fading and he starts to forget the law so he goes back to the doctor who tells him he can have the permanant upgrade if he signs a few papers to let an ancient relic through customs. Little did he know that this move would kill his former lover Fred. He eventially finds out that his upgrade came at a very large price when he talks to the doctor which Wesley overhears and stabbs Gunn.

Gunn now in hospital is wallowing in regret and self loathing until Angel gives him some advice, to seek redemption and attone for what he has done. So when the gang go into a Wolfram and Hart holding dimention to retrieve Lyndsey. Gunn stays behind in order to let the others escape. After goes through torture day after day after day Wolfram and Hart try to offer him another deal, but this time he refuses, no way is he gonna make another deal with them again because the cost is always too high, and he goes back to the torture, until Illyria comes in and saves him.

When Angel comes up with a diabolical plan that would bring Wolfram and hart to a grindind halt, Gunn and the rest of the gang are right there with him knowing that it could end their lives. They provale in their mission to take out the Black Thorn but then Wolfram and Hart lets out there full wrath and the last thing you see of Gunn is him badly injured and about to imbark on the fight of his life.

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