Wesley first arrived in Sunnydale after Rupert Giles, previous Watcher of Buffy Summers, was fired. Wesley was his replacement and was to act as the Watcher for both Buffy Summers and Faith. But neither slayer took much of a liking to his presence and neither did anyone else in Sunnydale apart from Cordelia Chase. There was some attraction between Cordelia and Wesley, but Wesley didn't want to date a student of the high school. On the Watcher front things gradually got worse as Faith had a taste of the dark side and liked things there, and became a rogue slayer, working against the Council. Buffy was beginning to not like the way Wesley ran the show as it was and she quit the Council, leaving Wesley with no slayers to "watch" and the Council fired him because of his lack of any Watcher qualities. The last time we see him in Sunnydale is on a stretcher being led off in an ambulance. We next see him in Los Angeles with Angel, a rogue demon hunter. But again he was tracking the wrong demon, but somehow manages to save part of the day. Angel offers him a job in LA working with him and Cordelia in Angel Investigations, and Wesley snaps up the opportunity. As the months went on there were several disagreements in the business, especially when Angel went a bit dark and Wesley ran the show for a while. Angel soon returned, but Wesley still ran Angel Investigations. At one point Wesley was fed false prophecies about Angel's son, and so to protect the child he was planning to run away with the child, but all didn't turn out well. He got his throat slit and everyone at Angel Investigations turned their backs on Wesley. He's now working alone, killing demons with a few of his own "employees".
Wesley worked alone for a while, but as events in LA got worse he was accepted back to working with Angel and co. He lost his love, Lilah, to Cordy who killed her and has since moved on slowly. After giving up on his love for Fred, Fred turned the tables on him and told him her true feelings. From this point on Wesley seemed like a changed man. With the love of his life by his side nothing could seem to go wrong. But things did, Fred died and the demon who killed her and was born from her walked around with her face on. Wesley very nearly cracked under the grief but he did pull himself together. Though it was not long until true memories of the previous few years came back to him, Connor, Lilah everything. And under this new pressure Wesley looked sure to drop at any moment, but he kept plugging on. He was a partner alongside Angel until the end. Before the Apocalypse came Wesley was kill in battle fighting a powerful demon warlock Cyvus Vail.
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