A Conversation for Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Peer Review: A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 1


Entry: Meghnad Saha- Scientist - A22268351
Author: Samarpita - U199500

Meghnad Saha- Scientist

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 2

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Haven't read this properly yet (just smiley - running off to teach alesson. However, most people IMO will not have heard of him so, I think you need an opening para which summarises what his fields of interest/main achievements were.

I noticed this,

'After primaryeducation...' > After primary education

I'll read this properly at the weekend.smiley - smiley


A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 3


I have corrected those typos... please see it again

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 4

Wilma Neanderthal

Great subject for an entry smiley - ok

May I ask you to look at some of the sites online (such as wikipedia and calcuttaweb) and make sure that your wording is sufficiently different from them? It is important that this entry stands alone and is original. It would also be great if you could find out something about his personality - anything that would make your entry seem more personalised - tell us a bit about the man himself. What was he like?

Well done.


A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 5


I have redone the entry ..please see it again and thanks for your interest.....

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 6

Icy North

Hi Samarpita smiley - smiley

A fascinating article on a great scientist - well done smiley - ok

A few points:

Did you mean a junior school (ages 8-11) or a secondary school (age 12-16)?

Did you mean Dhaka?

Is he another scientist?

Are any of these related?

Do you mean Bose passed with a first class degree (highest level) while Saha passed with a second class degree, or do you mean that Bose scored the highest mark, while Saha came second?

Forgive my lack of knowledge in this area, but what is the 'ionisation state' of an element and why is it important?

smiley - cheers Icy

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 7


Hi Icy,

Thanks for your wonderful comments....the answers to your questions are as follows:-

Did you mean a junior school (ages 8-11) or a secondary school (age 12-16)? It was middle school, from 12-16

Did you mean Dhaka?--Yes it's one and the same thing - the earlier British spelling was Dacca

Is he another scientist? Yes he is known for the Mahalanobis Distance and for setting up the National Institute of Science of India and the Indian Statistical Institute

Are any of these related? No

Do you mean Bose passed with a first class degree (highest level) while Saha passed with a second class degree, or do you mean that Bose scored the highest mark, while Saha came second?--- The latter is correct

Forgive my lack of knowledge in this area, but what is the 'ionisation state' of an element and why is it important?---It is the electronic connotation of what goes on in a chemical reaction, the very basics of a chemical process by which an electron is removed from an atom, molecule, or ion. It is of basic importance to electrical conduction in gases and liquids. In the simplest case, ionization may be thought of as a transition between an initial state consisting of a neutral atom and a final state consisting of a positive ion and a free electron. In more complicated cases, a molecule may be converted to a heavy positive ion and a heavy negative ion which are separated.

Hope they help....


A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 8

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

For 'ionisation state/ions you could link to A706844smiley - ok

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 9


How do I link it???

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 10

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

You need to be working in Guide ML.

When you're writing your Entry, goto the bootom of the page.

You'll see 2 'buttons' sde by side; 'Plain Text' and 'Guide ML'

Click on 'Guide ML'.
Then use your cursor to highlight the word from which you want to link; in this case 'ionisation'.

Then move the page down , if necessary, using the sliding bar on the right hand side, so that you can see a row of clickable icons across the top.

Click on the penultimate one which says 'LINK'.
A box will pop up saying 'Script Prompt'.

Type in the 'A' number of the Entry to whih you want to link; in this case 'A706844'.


You will find that you can also use Guide ML to insert Headers and Subheaders, and to divide your Entry into paragraphs.

Don't worry if yo7u cant achieve it this time around; the Sub-Eds will do it it for you until you get used to the site smiley - smiley

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 11


I will try to do it...but will be thankful if the Sub-Eds do it... it sounds too complicated.......

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 12


Hello......whats the scenario on this one?

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 13

Icy North

Hi Samarpita,

I think it's pretty much there, but I would prefer to see a few more scout comments, particularly those who are familiar with the physics involved.

Please could you add some of your responses in post 7 into the text of the article - I think it needs them:

smiley - biroI'd either call it an English secondary school (as is understood in UK English), or if 'English-medium school' has some special meaning in Bangladesh, then I'd add a footnote to explain it (write the text of the footnote within ... tags.)

smiley - biroCan you write 'Dhaka' throughout the article, for consistency?

smiley - biroCan you add another sentence or a footnote after the third Mr Bose to say that they are not related?

smiley - biroCan you replace 'Bose secured the first rank while Saha stood second' with 'Bose secured the top mark, while Saha came second'? (it's less ambiguous).

smiley - cheers Icy

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 14

The H2G2 Editors

Hello Samarpita, are you there?smiley - smiley

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 15


Is this Entry comlete enough to have an experienced and interested sub-editor complete what is mentioned in the PR thread?

Do any others have any comments about the Entry?

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 16

Wilma Neanderthal

The author hasn't been back since that last post, but I would hate to see this relegated tot he FM... It is a good entry and I am sure the subs would not mind polishing this one up. I guess I am saying yes, then, Matt.

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 17


No offense inteneded to the Eds, but best it wasn done by a sub and not in-house, as it needs some time given to it. Ah, I see you've volunteered Wilma smiley - oksmiley - winkeye

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 18

The H2G2 Editors

Shall we pick it and farm it out to you then, Wilma ? smiley - smiley

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 19


*sniggers under breath*

A22268351 - Meghnad Saha- Scientist

Post 20


Of course, you do realise that if it had pootled off to the Flea MArket I'd have me greedy mitts all over it smiley - laugh

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