Constitution of the Hootoo Region of

1 Conversation

The following is a proposed constitution for the Hootoo region.

I.) Purpose:

The purpose of this constitution is to regulate international affairs within Hootoo to the benefit of all nations in the region; it is not intended to regulate internal affairs in any way.

II.) Mutual Non-Aggression:

a) All nations within Hootoo agree not to launch unprovoked attacks on other nations within Hootoo. Furthermore, all nations agree not to interfere with any war between a Hootoo state and a non-Hootoo state without the agreement of the Hootoo state. In the case that any nation violates this, all other Hootoo nations will make use of their militaries to pacify the aggressor state. Three violations of this article within one week will be grounds for expulsion from Hootoo with the approval of a majority of the nations in the region.

b) No nation in Hootoo will, by the use of covert agents or election-rigging, attempt to change the economic or political sustem of another nation in Hootoo. Such an action shall be viewed as an attack.

III.) The UN and UN Delegate:

a) The UN delegate of Hootoo will be selected in the normal manner; it will be the nation that receives the most endorsements. However, the UN Delegate is expected to endorse all nations that endorse it.

b) The Hootoo UN Delegate may endorse proposed resolutions as it sees fit. However, it may only vote for or against resolutions after taking a poll of the nations of Hootoo.

c) The delegate shall take the stand on the resolution promoted by the majority of the states that vote. These votes shall be telegramed to the delegate and must be sent within 24 hours of the delegate's request for opinions. The delegate may choose to recognize votes sent in after this time, but is not bound to. At the request of any nation, the UN delegate shall post the votes on the last resolution in the forum.

d) In counting votes on UN resolutions, the votes of UN members shall count as single votes and those of non-UN members shall count as two-thirds of a vote. This is because resolutions only bind UN members and they therefore have a larger stake in the outcome. However, in all other matters, all nations in Hootoo shall have exactly one vote.

IV.) Password

The UN delegate may change the password as they wish, but it mush always be posted on H2G2 along with this constitution and they must always inform the other nations in Hootoo and all members of H2G2 what the password is.

V.) Admission of New Nations

Any nation headed may join. However, if they join after the ratification of this constitution, they are assumed to ratify it by joining.

VI.) Ammendment of the Constitution

Any nation in Hootoo may propose an ammendment to this constitution. If 3/4 of the nations present at the time of the proposal ratify the ammendment within 7 days, it will become part of the constitution. However, no ammendment can violate, change, or contradict Article I of the constitution.

VII.) Ratification.

This constitution will go into effect when 13 nations have ratified it. Votes for ratification shall be sent via telegram to the UN delegate. If the UN delegate changes before ratification is complete, the nations who have ratified it must inform the new delegate as to whether or not they wish to ratify. If they do not do so, the new delegate may not assume that they wish to ratify it. When 13 nations have ratified the constitution, it will go into effect and the UN delegate will post in the forum the names of the nations that have ratified it.

The following are two proposed articles of ammendment to this constitution:

AI.) UN-Hootoo Relations

Nothing in this constitution shall be interpereted as contrary to the UN charter or as preventing UN member nations from carrying out their duties under the UN Charter.

AII.) Voting Rights of Multiple States Under One Person

A single person may control several nations in Hootoo, however only one of these nations may vote on any issue. If any person controls multiple nations in Hootoo, they must announce all nations under their control as such and post their votes in the name of only one of them (their UN Member if they control one).

As I hereby absent Mrynus and Sorosia, which I control, from further meaningful membership in Hootoo, including ratification and voting (I'd take them out if I had time.), only 13 nations must ratify these ammendments for them to become part of the constitution.

The constitution has been ratified by eight nations:

Paddy Field

The Current UN Delegate is the Confederacy of Sorrillia

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