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FireWire is a VERY fast port that Apple Computer, Inc. invented. It currently supports speeds up to 400 Mbs, and soon will become faster.
It can be used for networking, as well as connecting periphereals to computers. It is also called IEEE 1394, and iLink by Sony. FireWire doesn't need a hub, as Intel's USB does, and unlike SCSI, devices do not need to be configured. FireWire has the ability to daisy-chain up to 63 devices per port. It even provides power to the first two of those devices. An example of FireWire's abilities is as follows:
I turned on my computer, and hooked up the new FireWire hard drive. I began to play a QuickTime Movie on it, and then disconnected the drive. All I got was a little error message, but my machine ran smoothly. I reconnected the drive, and lo and behold, the movie and all other proccesses I was enganged in began-right where they left off! To learn more about Apple and FireWire go to

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