School Bus
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
:-) A bus will make you happy if you are popular, don't carry many books, and are tough.
:-( A bus will make you sad if you are a nerd, have an expensive item with you, or are trying to do homework so you don't get a detention.
Buses the world over never have good shocks.
They just go /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/________!X!
(that's updownupdownupdownupdownupdownupdown-slide-crashintowall)
Actually, that's a prety
Bus Drivers can also be scary or nice or decidedly odd. It is recommend to the Hitchhiker that if no Taxi Driving job can be found in New York City, that they should become a bus driver anywhere instead. Knowledge of how to operate any motor vehicle, let alone a bus, is not neccesary in the least.