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First I would like to start by saying what is history? Also what comes into your mind when I say it? If you still don't follow me I'm talking about the past.
Now history is about the past, plain and simple but when I think of history I think of history lessons

History lessons are becoming a very interesting part of school life. The occasional riot in class does not concern me much but sometimes the really fun parts are class war. Now our teacher Mrs. Hobkirk is the worst teacher you could possibly ever have for history. She can't talk under a lot of pressure so, if there were ever such a riot she would mainly tell people to, "go outside and sit table."?
But fortunately this has calmed down and we don't turn the tables over to use them as shields and throw rubbers at people, (anymore).

Another thing I noticed is that she doesn't seem to look at much of the work we hand in. I once put my name on it as George Washington the ninth, duke of France and she didn't seem to pay much attention to this at all. Maybe I'm just going paranoid? :-)

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