The Scientific Method

2 Conversations

Work in Progress

There is a specific set of steps used by scientists when they're trying to solve a problem. This is called the scientific method. Along with being used by scientists, we subconciously do this in our everyday lives.


Identify the problem. To do this, all you have to do is find out a problem you want to solve.

Make a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a guess to the solution of your problem. The hypothesis should usually be developed from prior knowledge of the problem and its factors.

Gather data. Before the problem is tested, it is good to know as much about it as you can so you can develop the best experiment.

Conduct the experiment. Taking your hypothesis, find a way to test your experiment. For the most accurate results, test it multiple times. The more you test, the more information you collect.

Record results. Throughout your experiment, you'll want to keep a record of what happens. Depending on the type of experiment, you can take photographs or keep a log of events.

Make an analysis. When your experiment is over, take your results and combine your observations to make an analysis of your data so you can figure out what happened during the experiment.

Draw a conclusion. Using your analysis, draw a conclusion from your data. Then, see if your conclusion matched your hypothesis.

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