Cigarette Rolling Papers

1 Conversation

"Smoking is NOT good for your health or wealth. Please don't read this and start smoking. However if you roll your own or are just interested in the idea of RYO then please read on."

Having smoked conventional cigarette's for a few years, I was beginning to get fed up with spending nearly five pounds on every packet.
I had to make a decision, either give up or roll my own. I decided to go for the second option and that's when my interest in rolling papers began.

Hand rolling is believed to have started in the 16th Century, but this method is most documented during Wartime, right from the Napoleonic War, World War One & World War Two.
Rumour has it that one of the first ever hand rollers was an Egyptian gunner at the siege of Acre in 1832. He had lost his clay pipe, so he decided to use the paper from his spent cartridge cases.

The biggest name in rolling papers has to be RIZLA, the name comes from two sources. The first half of the word, "RIZ" refers to the production process of the papers. During the process, the texture of the raw material looks like rice (riz in French). The second half of the name LA + refers to the family name LACROIX. Croix means cross hence the +.

During the 19th century, the firm LACROIX became the biggest producer of
rolling papers in the world. Until 1978, the different ventures of LACROIX produced their papers independently and distibuted them in France, England, Belgium and Norway.
From then on, they were all united under the central management of

In 1980 LA CROIX acquired several units for production, distribution and
marketing in the United States of America.
Nowadays, the partnership LACROIX covers more than 30 countries and its
annual production of cigarette-paper is sufficient to manufacture a cigarette that can be winded 25 times around the earth.
And although RIZLA + has recently been bought by the IMPERIAL TOBACCO
GROUP, it still remains the most sold rolling paper in the world.

The second most popular brand is Zig Zag made in France since 1822. They took their name from The Zouave, a member of the French light infantry Corps originally formed of Algerians who retained their original uniform.

There are now a wide range of papers, not only from tobbaconists but also your local supermarket. Every smoker has their favourite, but it's worth considering the following before you part with your hard earned cash.


Rizla, Zig Zag, OCB etc. Some companies make better papers than others.


Papers come in STANDARD, 1.25, 1.5, KINGSIZE, SLIM, EXTRA LONG, EXTRA WIDE & DOUBLE WIDE sizes. Some have CUT CORNERS for ease of rolling.


Thinner papers usually have had more emulsion added to them.


Does this have harmful chemicals in it?




50 or 100, single or double. Does it have a running out slip.


20p each from your newsagent or 10 for a £1 down the market.

Popular standard size papers available in the UK include:


GREEN medium weight with cut corners, BLUE a lightweight slow burn paper, RED medium weight without cut corners, WHITE ventair a very thick paper with ventilated holes for a smoother smoke & ORANGE are liquorice flavour. Some stores still sell ORIGINAL RED very light and fine, YELLOW 133 & ORANGE 133 both similar to RED but slighter lighter still without cut corners.


GREEN medium Weight, cut Corners, for ease of use with rolling machines, natural Gum. RED medium weight but no cut corners, HOLOGRAM medium weight, BLUE slow burn with watermarked paper, CLASSIC medium weight no cut corners & regular Liquorice.

SWAN Match manufacturer since 1861. In 1986 they started to produce cigarette papers.

BLUE very similar to Rizla blue, GREEN medium weight with cut corners, RED medium weight & LIQUORICE.

Good papers are also made by EFKA A quality German brand, located in Trossingen, Germany. GIZEH another German brand, CHILLS (USA), SMOKING made by Miquel y Costas & Miquel in Spain, since 1879, near Barcelona. OCB (FRANCE), RANDYS started in 1975, this patented range of rolling papers has been made by C.T.C Limited, in San Fransisco, United States. Supremely packaged, medium weight, pure hemp papers, with stainless steel wire for ease of rolling. BULLBRAND, UK PAPERS, MASCOTTE to name a few.

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