Created | Updated Jan 19, 2004
When a Chinese gang hits Sunnydale, all racial tensions in the community are sparked. buffy hass seen the baddies shake down Willy the Snitch, so naturally Buffy's Slayer senses are way up. But to Willow it's more of a personal threat, her new friend Jia Li has been feeling the backlash from all this cross-cultural hostility and it's tearing her family apart. Jia remains to to her cultural heritage, but for her bother the angry outspoken Lok, is ready to turn his back on his old Chinese customs for the modern American lifestyle. And he's willing to use the occult for just that purpose
When suddenly, a beautiful martial arts warrior arrives in Sunnydale, but it's impossible to tell where her allegiance lies. But Xander whose romances are becoming habitually complicated is smitten with the beautiful warrior. Giles is in full research mode, and before long Buffy is wondering who's behind the gang warfare, IS SUPERNATURAL EVIL BREWING???????