Christmas (American)

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The celebration of Christmas in the United States of America is a holdover from the European immigrants, who brought many of their traditions with them when they invaded North America. This time of year, designated as the time to celebrate the birth of Christ by a bunch of fellows in robes around the year 300 a.d., was originally celebrated as the Winter Solstice. (The church, upon seeing a great marketing opportunity, decided to take over the whole holiday and add a few characters.)

Festive persons used to celebrate this season with assortments of cookies & sweets, caroling, charity work, gift giving, dinner, and time spent with family. The rites of Christmas in the United States of America have somewhat evolved from their original ancestry, and now take shape in the form of a massive writhing ball of cold capitalism. Originally an aberration, but now quite common, are the near riots centered around one toy (or line of toys) at American toy stores: these consist of grown adults pawing, grabbing, pushing, shoving, and thumbing their noses at each other, all in order to obtain whatever the Holy Grail of toys this season is for their ungrateful, spoiled brats, oh, and to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Modern revelers may also include in their holiday activities: buying obligatory cheap gifts for persons they don't like; overindulgence in food & alcohol; putting up electric lights representing important figures of the holiday like Jesus, Santa Claus, Snow Men, and giant glowing WalMarts. Don't think Corporate America wants to be left out of the party, they will generally celebrate the holidays by laying off a few thousand employees in order to assure a nice holiday bonus for their shareholder.

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