A Conversation for Christmas Wish List


Post 1

Classic Krissy

I hafta think about this one! I never did get that pony...but chances are if I got it today it would scare the cat.

*begins to think think think*


Post 2

Researcher 99947

Hmm... I want my very own David Bowie and Iman.... with minds altered, of course, so that they'd be flattered to be in my company, and won't feel the urge to get me arrested, and put me under a restraining order....

BTW, I got an easy bake oven, and believe you me, they sucked... after my first brownie, the whole thing went to the crapper; very tempremental


Post 3


I had the same problem with the Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine I got one year. You had your choice of the "red ice-flavored sno-cone with shaved plastic sprinkles" or "blue ditto-ditto-ditto".

I still want that oven. Dammit.

I could go out and buy it on my own, but what's the fun in that?


Post 4

Researcher 99947

I know.... do they still make them, though?


Post 5


I think...after several hypothetical children choked to death and the impending hypothetical lawsuits....no.

I did see one at a garage sale once, and nearly threw myself in front of it screaming "But what about the children?!?"

But I didn't. Prolly shoud have. Poor little Timmy.


Post 6

Researcher 99947

You forgot Susie.... Heartless bastards....


Post 7


Exactly. Almost makes you want to cry, doesn't it?

Sno-cone, anyone?


Post 8


I wish it would snow deeply in London. smiley - smiley


Post 9

Researcher 99947

I wish it would snow over here too... Decemeber 1st, and not a drop of snow!


Post 10


Tell me about it! smiley - winkeye It's been on the verge of teetering over to Winter for the last few weeks, only to turn warmish again after a while.

November - what a tease! I hope December's a little more down to earth. smiley - winkeye


Post 11

Researcher 99947

Indeed... I'm ready for a whoppin' ten foot blizzard right about now.


Post 12

Classic Krissy

*sitting in Chicago where the weather has been in the 60's and 70's for November and only recently got cold instead of our usual aim of a foot of snow by Halloween. Also where the snow was piled so deeply last winter that only the very tops of the parking meters were visible and everyone was unable to get to work, though we all tried for 3 solid hours. Chicago, where freezing rain covers 3 feet of snow so that if you don't slip and break your neck, you're sure to crack through the top layer of ice and slash an ankle. Chicago, where they, and I quote "run out of salt" every year. Chicago, where the wind chill is -75 and they suggest you don't go out for more than 10 minutes at a time or you risk frostbite. THAT Chicago.*

*sitting all bundled*

You people are sick SICK! This is a heavenly thing. When you get deep snow it doesn't go away until April and all your old people die of starvation because they can't get to the Qwick-E-Mart and their pipes, phone lines, and power lines are down.

*grumbling to herself and starting a fire in the recycling bin to keep warm*


Post 13

Researcher 99947

Well, I'm from Vermont, the state that is known, if not for having a population of less that half a million or for having more cows than people or for having great maple syrup or for trying at the moment to make gay marriage legal, is known for its snow! I want snow! I've lived through some of the most horrible winters in history (I have eighteen stitches on my right arm, and a formerly fracture left leg to prove it), like last year, when every street in the northern part of the street was closed, due to five foot snow drifts, and freezing - well, freezing everything... from powerlines, to poor Chippy, the squirrel... I want my snow!


Post 14


Yeah!! What he said! Or she... or whatever...yeah!


Post 15

Researcher 99947

Thank you (he)


Post 16


Oh, you're welcome, Spork(he). Does it bother you that I(she) term you so?

Of course, that doesn't mean that I don't still love Krissy(she), and her unseasonably warm weather...she did, after all, help me to accesorize my gloves and scarf. smiley - winkeye

That's a real friend, for ya!


Post 17

Researcher 99947

NOpe... don't mind... it seemed as if you wanted to know the answer, that's all smiley - winkeye


Post 18


Naaaah...I was refering to the "Spork" thing rather than the "(he)" thing, but okay. See, it was all supposed to be kind of funny and all and...

Things just never seem as funny after you explain them, you know? smiley - winkeye


Post 19

Researcher 99947

Yes.. except for those that were never in on the joke in the begining smiley - sadface


Post 20


Aha! But you never *can* be in on a joke, can you? I think you can be on top of one...definitely underneath one. But in on...I just don't know... smiley - winkeye

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