Bus Lying Machines
Created | Updated Jan 8, 2004
- Insane optimism, e.g. prediciting a bus will arrive within 4 minutes only to wait for 8 months.
- Insane pessimism, predicting 14 minutes until the arrival of a bus which you can see waiting at the other side of a set of traffic lights
- Phantom busses - Type 1:
Busses that appear 10 minutes away and get steadily closer until they are 4 minutes away and then disappear without explaination. This is common on route 207.
- Phantom busses - Type 2:
Also known as vitual or invisible busses, these appear to get closer and closer getting right to the 'due' stage before disappearing off of the screen never to be seen again.
Bus lying machines are similar to Tube Lying machines which can be found on underground platforms.