Short Study about AIDS/HIV

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Medical books use very frequently the expression regarding illnesses: "Etiology is unknown" which means no known source is available for the cause of the human sickness in question.

The origin of AIDS/HIV also falls into this category even today though the evidence is there: AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV. It is a lentivirus capable of hiding for a long time before becoming active with fatal destruction in an infedcted human body.

The first case diagnosed in US was in year: 1981.Since than very extensive search has been done about this disease while became a global epidemic.

From the very beginning of investigations about this virus has been found that in wide range of nonhuman primates this virus exist. They called it SV-40 which means Simian Virus: monkey virus.

According to the latest findings Human Immunodeficiency Virus: HIV resembel very much to the SV-40 found in an african monkey called Mangabey also known as Green Monkey.

Research got to the point in 1999 showing that this type of a virus can also infect chimpanzees. The discovery was announced in the University of Alabama USA, where in frozen tissues from chimpanzees was found the identical HIV-1.

If it is taken into consideration, that apes, particularly the chimpanzee with biologically proven facts is very close to the human therefore it seems evident that infections with microorganizms from apes to humans can be passed on.

The exact way how HIV was passed onto humans it is not known but there are many theories trying to answer this question.

Because the virus has to get into the bloodstreem for infection to take place there are various alternative theories existing.

Chimpanzees eat monkies like the Green Monkey. Chances are that those Chimps living in the aerea where the Green Monkey lives got infected by eating a monkey which carried the virus.

Also chimps fight with each other and by biting can again spread the virus from one to the other getting the virus into the bloodstreem.

It is an intereating observation though that in the region where the Green Monkey and Chimps live, HIV infectins were found frequently. But because chimps don't swim and would not enter in a river where on the other side the Green monkeies lived those chimps had no such virus infections!

From this point on one can conclude, that humans hunting for meat had eaten infected chimpanzee meat ( called: bushmeat) or could be bitten during the hunt by infected animal and HIV was passed on totally unaware of a deadly infection.

But how did this virus spread further on to became an epidemic?

The version of a malicious theory that polio vaccines used in great number were contaminated with HIV was eliminated by the research done at Wistar Institute in Philadelphia. The result of the extensive research was published in April 2001.

After the rumor was eliminated, several theories came up and further research were done.

The existence of HIV was found already in 1959 in West Africa in a young man's body. After this several theories sprung up, that this virus was found even 100 years ago, or before.
By now several studies show a long background of HIV.

Because it is spread all over the world it is regarded as an epidemic.
Once it is known how this virus migrate from humans to humans the prevention could be easy. Because in any diease it is not the cure that is the most important action, but PREVENTION. In medical circles they say: " The best medicin is PREVENTION."

Preventive actions to stop the epidemic of HIV are today the following possibilities:

to avoid any action to get the virus into the bloodstream through any minor injury like the use of a conteminated needles while drugs are injected into a vein.
Sexual act with an infected human.
Also saliva is carriing the virus.
An infected mother's milk can pass on the virus to the infant.
Blood-transfusion is a risky action. Some people before surgery can have their own blood collected to be used if there is need during or after surgery. Though for emergency use blood transfusion can be safe only if the donated blood is very carefully screened.

Statistics are not always available, and not always reliable particularly in underdeveloped countries. Records are crucial for Prevention.

It would go over the limit of this study to find reports from the World Health Organization, or perhaps from the Red Cross about the status of HIV prevention in these days. But hopefully with wide range of education the epidemic can be stopped.
There is definite hope for an effective vaccine to be available in the near future on the basis that not so long ago in a lab syntetic virus was created therefore anti-virus coming into use is evident.

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