A Conversation for Anagrammitis

? Q&A chat ?

Post 281

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

erm... the page is about a mile long now!!

? Q&A chat ?

Post 282


What one?
The main page?

? Q&A chat ?

Post 283

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

No the problem is sorted now as we've moved over the page...

smiley - love S

? Q&A chat ?

Post 284


Oh...smiley - boing

Corny joke

Post 285


What do George Michael and a pair of wellington boots have in common..?

Corny joke

Post 286

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

I don't know?????

? Q&A chat ?

Post 287

Rudest Elf

Of course it's a clue, silly! But you raise a good point; should there be a limit to the number of letters....the permutations are mind boggling (hyphenated?) beyond eleven or twelve - 'depend on sense' is just thirteen...A crossword type clue (2 words (7/6) for example) might help, though I have my doubts.

Corny joke

Post 288


Elf a more substantial clue would not go amiss for (depend on sense) or even (peurile bans) because if they dont move quickly I will be forced to ask you to reveal and post another setting.I'm not being akward either believe me! Tonight due to circumstances beyond my control a thread was duplicated..if posts to new threads are made then it will disappear..so repost or better clue..your choice Elf..?


Post 289


Yes you have a very valid point..maybe on this selection because of the time consumed with solving then we SHOULD consider posting a crossword type clue as per your example.smiley - okAlley are you in favour?

Corny joke

Post 290


They both get sucked off in a bog.
Alley do you know if theres any means of deleting threads once they are initiated?smiley - run's

Corny joke

Post 291



smiley - cheers Elf that should speed things up and Alleycat & Elf my people selection is (t,3,5)


Post 292


No it isn't, it is (5,3,5)smiley - grr

? Q&A chat ?

Post 293


Its not the keyboard its my bad typing..smiley - biggrin


Post 294

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

just seen the title smiley - rofl... i'm here the crossword clue seems acceptable to me might have saved us some time, we wont really know that till it gets going again... wont be here long now tho... what happened to the joke i'm still waiting for the answer!

smiley - love S


Post 295

Rudest Elf

I'm delighted to hear that your people selection is (5/3/5) Bravo!
smiley - erm wos it mean?


Post 296

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

I've found the joke.... smiley - rofl good one


Post 297

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Is there a full moon tonight? something seems to be making us a little on the barking side... smiley - fullmoon

smiley - love S


Post 298


Yeah I know how you feel..wont be here much longer myself..in fact 10 minutes might be my whack..I'm knackered..I'll have a wee shifty at all the words before I retire though...smiley - yawn Elf no wonder it proved difficult...smiley - erm.....smiley - run's for smiley - coffee.


Post 299


Oh hes a nasty man...!
What do you mean by what does it mean...who's being smiley - silly now..smiley - smiley


Post 300

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Sole, have you not seen the People thread yet? it's sort of lost for the minute but if you click on other conversations you will see it..

Right this is my last message, I need sleep, nite nite all smiley - hug

smiley - love S

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