Michael Schumacher

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Undoutably the most successful formula one driver in history, with 7 world championships, over 90 grand prix wins and over 50 pole positions, and over 200 grand prix starts in his 15 years as a formula one driver.

Schumacher began his f1 career in 1991 driving for jordan, in 1994,while driving for benneton Schumacher won his first world championship in the year of the death of the great Ayrton Senna, Schhumacher retained his championship in 1995,he then joined Ferrarri.

In 1999 he broke his leg at silverstone, in 2000 he ended Ferrarris 20 year championship drought by helping them to clinch both the drivers nd the constructors championships,thereby starting the golden years of Ferrarri, he retained his title in 2001,2002,2003 and 2004, i find it as an even greater achievement because this was the year in which his and Ralf Schumachers mother passed away,the previous record for world championship wins was 5 set by Juan Manueal Fanigo, but Schumacher raised it to 7, whn age took its toll in 2005 Schumacher finished third in the championship,behing Fernando Alonso and Kimi Raikonnen, in 2006 he put up a real fight against Fernando Alonso, though he won more races than Alonso in the season he finished second in the championship, he announced his retirement, and his last race was at Suzuka, Schumacher retains his great influence at Ferrarri, and has agreed to take up a post as Scouter, he tells Ferrarri of up and coming drivers.

This year in 2007 his seat at Ferrarri has been replaced by Kimi Raikonnen, many of the old crew, including Ross Brawn retired along with Schumacher, in my view Michael Schumacher was the greatest formula one driver of all time.


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