Philips Electronics

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Note: this is not a post against people called Philip.

Philips is a Dutch Electronics company and they have thought it oddly a good marketing ploy to curse their products.

I will list every single Philips product i have owned over the span of my life and why i do not like them.

Double oven: It worked brilliantly for a month then got bored and went on strike.

Tv set: One day decided it only needed 3 channels (therefore very hard to watch channel 4) then after they "fixed" that, keeps on going in and out of the menu without me wanting it to.

Digital television box: Kept changing channel by itself. Oddly likes the history channel.

Washing machine: Had an idendity crisis and decided it was a police man and gave me 7 parking tickets!

Tumble dryer: (a better oven)Caught fire and also stole several cars.

Electric razor: became depressed after watching too many "Friday the 13th movies"

So now it is quit obvious i stopped buying philips and on your arrival to earth you will notice the headphones on the plane are Philips, unless you want to turn rather oddly into a giraffe, bring your own.

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