Psychic Vampirism

1 Conversation

“The would-be lover sits as near as possible to his intended victim. He gauges her breathing by the rise and fall of her breast, and, once he has established the exact rhythm, begins to breathe in precise union with her. The sorcerer continues this for a period of between three and five minutes, and then contracts the muscles of his anus from five to ten seconds. This, supposedly, establishes an ‘astral link’ between the two people involved, by bringing into action the man’s muladhara chakra, the centre of psychic activity that, according to some occultists, controls the libido. It is situated, they claim, in a part of the ‘subtle body’ roughly corresponding to the area between the anus and the genitals. The magician then gradually increases the rate of his breathing until it reaches the rate characteristic of the height of sexual activity. The ‘astral link’ ensures that the emotions normally associated with this rapid breathing are communicated to the woman, and she immediately experiences sexual arousal. The magician then begins a conversation.”

Francis King, The Unexplained


Psychic vampires are individuals who drain others of vital energy for their own benefit. Everyone in the world is made up of energy. A psychic vampire is anyone who, for whatever reason, is not content with the amount of energy they naturally produce – this could be due to a deficiency from birth or poor health, or just a greed to be more powerful than the norm.

There is a theory that psychic vampires drain energy because they are not quite alive. The term ‘un-dead’ almost applies, except that they have not come back from the dead as such, but from reincarnation. Psychic vampires are often old souls, meaning they are reincarnated and follow a magickal path that teaches this, and have followed it before. When the soul is made vampiric, it is most often done when the physical body gets hold of another awakened vampire’s blood, which infects and changes everything from the body and mind to the astral body and soul. The astral soul builds up memories in each lifetime like DNA, which remain in death and are later triggered in the new life the astral soul chooses to be born into. So one draws energy not only in life but also in death, to maintain and upkeep the astral body. A psychic vampire drains energy to keep her immune and nervous systems healthy, and her body in peak condition. It has been said that psychic vampires are really no different from ordinary people, as everyone draws in energy, but this is not quite true. Ordinary people, animals and plants draw in energy around them, which flows through them, in them and back out as they interact with it in their everyday lives. By contrast, a psychic vampire pulls/sucks in and holds the energy she encounters, her own physical body mixing with it and absorbing it into her astral body, mind and soul, which is the cause of the energy balance and why a vampire is not quite alive. It builds up the astral body like a gauge in a fuel tank. Psy-vamps have a depleted energy core (which is healthy in most people), which can be seen in the vampire’s damaged aura. As the process from astral vampire soul to reincarnated physical form takes its toll on the aura, the more they reincarnate, the more damages their auras become and the more they need to pull in energy to support their aura fields.

Psychic vampires can be divided into two distinct groups: unconscious psy-vamps and conscious psy-vamps.

Unconscious vampires

Unconscious psychic vampires are fairly common. They are individuals who typically make people feel obliged to them for no reason other than possible guilt. They leave one feeling emotionally drained almost by their very presence, and, while not specifically making any demands upon you, will have you running at their beck and call without offering anything in return. They might try to ‘buy’ your friendship by offering physical gifts and doing you favours without being asked, expecting you to return their ‘kindness’ by giving them your energy and attention. They are generally people who are born with an inability to sustain themselves; they get very sickly and depressed easily and seemingly without reason; they become lethargic and fatigued when they are isolated for long periods of time; they have the sheer need to be around other people on a regular basis which will make them feel better, without knowing why. Their friends may say that the person is very draining to be around; that they seem to suck the life from the room; that they have erratic mood swings or unstable tempers; they are extreme and hard to be around. This kind of person is a danger to themselves and others for the simple reason that they do not know what they do. Unconscious often, instead of making use of the energy they take, disperse it uselessly into their surrounding environment.

Conscious vampires

Conscious vampires are those who deliberately take energy from others, either by magickal means (eg. servitors) or by some instinctive ability, via the astral plane, or direct, often from the victim’s aura. Energy is what they foremost seek, but some do it for the challenge: they like fighting mentally for energy, especially if an opponent knows they are being drained. Most often it begins with person toying around with magicks or old beliefs and deciding that they want to be more powerful. Eventually, they learn the simple truth that not only is everyone made up of energy, but that it can be manipulated. It starts off as a high, a rush; akin to a drug, it feels good and gives the person a temporary boost. But, just like any other drug, it is addictive. It starts off as a huge surge in power and gets to the point where the person needs more and more of it to gain any effect. Continued abuse of this results in the person no longer receiving a rush, but rather, needing it to feel normal. Their natural energy becomes useless and they cannot get past the need to drain from others. This can go two ways… either the person takes the very hard road to weaning themselves off this continued abuse (this is very difficult, as often, the person gets so desperate that they begin to steal from everyone, all the time, like a starving man eating until he is sick and bloated), or they can become ruthless and uncaring in their need and continue to not only steal from others, but hurt them and irrevocably weaken them… this can actually in turn spawn another such vampire – a vicious cycle.

Another entity occasionally termed a psychic vampire is rogue thought-forms created from the subconscious of an individual who may be able to communicate with them.

Discovery of one’s own vampiric nature (the ‘Awakening’) often comes about at adolescence or puberty, preceded by a near-death experience or some other tragic event (the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’).


The most common way to steal someone’s energy is through physical touch. This can be hugs, kisses, handshakes or sexual contact. The best way to avoid becoming an unwilling donor to this feeding is to limit your contact with strangers. Handshakes should be brief and direct and other erroneous contact should be avoided. If you suspect you are being used in a more intimate manner, your best bet is probably to be direct and simply ask. If the person really cares about you and isn’t just using you, you should be able to work it out.

Another common (but rarely known) way is through in-depth conversation – more specifically, when you open up to someone and share personal details, anecdotes, and stories with them. The psy-vamp will seem to ‘hang’ onto every word, prodding you for more information, more revelation, more details. It is through this exchange that they take more than your words. The best way to avoid this form is to be the quiet one when you first meet someone. Let them do the majority of the talking. If they won’t, or keep nagging you, then you may well have avoided a run-in. Chances are, if the person was going to do this, when you fail to comply they will leave. If they aren’t up to anything and talk about themselves, you can always take a turn at the talking next time.

Other ways include being able to tap into a person’s dreams, forcing eye contact, sheer force of will, and even by violent theft. There are many ways a person can harm another. These ways are harder to protect yourself against, mainly because their success lies in their subtlety. For example, to avoid being robbed in sleep, one must ground themselves prior to driftng off; to avoid being taken in a public place, one must learn to focus and ‘harden’ their aura so that it is not tapped. When speaking with someone, look them directly in the eyes, but do not allow them to take hold of you. Sometimes the best defence is a strong offence – make a stand and be aware of it… chances are, they’ll leave you alone and look for easier pickings.

Psychic vampirism is largely performed through visualisation and a great deal of practice. Being able to meditate freely and easily is a prerequisite. One way to start it is to target a person and just visualise energy inside and around them. This is basically training yourself to see auras and energy fields. People who can already see and manipulate auras will have a distinct advantage here, but seeing them seem to be a matter of practice more than anything else. It’s easier to see energy fields than coloured auras, and it’s easier to feel the charge of one than anything else.

Upon seeing the aura of your victim, try to pull it out of them. Feel it coming from them and gathering inside yourself. See it stream from their aura into your own. Feel the build-up of energy revitalising you, making you vibrate with what feels like an electrical charge. Some find it easier if they touch a person, bite them, drink their blood or whatever. It takes some people a lot of practice, while others master it instantly – it’s a matter of developing a knack for it.

It is advisable for the beginner to feed from people who seem invigorated or ‘hyper’. This is the easiest victim, for they seem to radiate loads of energy. After more practice, one can feed off anyone, even over the phone. It is not advisable that one try to feed off an ill, extremely depressed or suicidal person. That could give off negative psychic energy, giving you nausea, headaches, disorientation, panic, loneliness, etc, and could also kill the victim. Some people get round this by only feeding when the victim is in a suitable emotional state, only feeding from specific types of people, only feeding from one person at a time in a secluded place, or by setting up servitors and shields to filter out undesirable energy. Extreme negative reactions only become uncontrollable if the vampire is emotionally or physically exhausted.

Psy-vamps need to learn to tap into their energy core so that they know when they need to take more energy, as a sudden depletion results in a ‘crash’ sickness. This literally feels like your soul and blood pressure have crashed through the floor… you get nauseated, may have a panic attack which feels like you are suffocating and about to throw up at the same time, and have to lie down to calm yourself and open up all your chakras to pull in energy as soon as possible. This can happen anytime and anywhere if you are inexperienced or not in tune with your energy core. Always watch out for feelings of tiredness; if your body does not automatically pull in energy, you must go in search for it to take what you need.

Performing the following is easier if you are actually biting or drinking the blood of your victim or donor, although it is possible when not in contact with them. Also successfully performed by one person injecting the blood of another (the blood is visualised as containing glowing red energy):

  • Concentrate on absorbing energy from your victim. Visualise this energy pouring into you from the person as an electrical stream. There is often a special rush if energy is taken by force or when the victim is in a strong emotional state such as fear or lust.
  • Two people who are close will both gain from exchanging blood or energy, preferably when they are both in a sexual frenzy. It seems that exchanging energy generally results in both parties feeling stronger – magickally, physically and emotionally.
  • However the feeding is performed, you should feel greatly invigorated physically and psychologically. Feelding can cause an amphetamine-like rush.

A vampire’s blood has, like all blood, mystical properties: it contains a special ‘encryption’. When ingested by a latent vampire (who has yet to discover his vampiric nature) it releases the trigger and serves to ‘awaken’ him. The latent then usually begins to crave blood and within the next 24 hours suffers from loss of appetite, and may develop flu-like symptoms in which they feel sick, hurt all over and wish to sleep…this is where the changes begin.

An ordinary person who isn’t already vampiric can probably not be ‘turned on’ via the blood of a vampire.


Psychic vampirism increases magickal power and sensitivity, makes one feel more energetic, and adds to vitality. Some are of the opinion that it offers immortality. For the victim, most psychic attacks include symptoms of overt tiredness, fuzzy thinking, and an inability to form even the simplest task. Used over a prolonged period of time, it can even kill the victim. Ones thoughts and emotions are also drained. After a time these feelings do fade when our natural human energy regenerates itself. The more the psychic vampire ages, the more their abilities grow, and the more energy they must pull in to sustain themselves.


Addiction has been known in some cases, particularly in those of unconsciousness psychic vampirism. In terms of intentional vampirism for magickal purposes, blood addiction is more usual, although that can be replaced by psychic vampirism under certain circumstances. Addiction to psychic vampirism does not usually pose a problem, as sources of energy are readily available most of the time. The exchange between two people in a relationship practicing magicakal vampirism has been known to replace any additional craving in many cases. However, in relationships of this sort, separation even for a few days can be painful and draining for everyone involved, as this practice creates an intense magickal link. For this reason it is advisable to be very careful who you form this sort of bond with.

It is also very easy for the victim to become addicted and go back for more if it acts as a fulfilment of their fetishes and obsessions, especially if you give them a bit of pleasure while feeding. There are people referred to as donors who have agreed to the draining of their energy.

Extreme emotional states of any sort tend to make feeding easier, the most suitable being lust. Some people find the energy they are feeding off to be unpleasant if the victim is in a certain emotional state such as extreme depression, for others it doesn’t make a difference.

Psychic awareness

Being newly psychically aware can lead to some uncomfortable experiences. You pick up on everything and have to be able to filter out that which has no relevance to you. The natural background psychic noise you may not have noticed before can be deafening until you learn to shield and protect yourself. It takes time to learn the skills. A lot of the time what you may think is a psychic attack is no more than background noise. Because psychic awareness is subjective and personal, not everyone will be able to hear what you hear, and you might pick up on something that no-one else does. There are simple and effective techniques for grounding and shielding that can make life quieter and more comfortable.

Some people have an amulet or talisman that does the shielding and grounding for them, but if you lose this you are defenceless. The best way to protect yourself is to learn techniques to ground and shield yourself. Grounding restores emotional and psychic equilibrium, and shielding blocks out some of the psychic phenomena.

Shielding Exercise

Light some incense and a candle. Focus on the flame of the candle, see its aura and imagine it around you (if you put enough energy into it, you can see a shift in the air around you). Strengthen the force around you… let it become a physical, tangible force. Imagine it encircling you. Give it a reflective surface (in effect giving it the ability to bounce things away from you).

Practice this by lowering and raising your shield – the more you do this the stronger it will become. Whenever you think it needs a recharge, light a candle or walk by some kind of flame (lighter, campfire, etc.) and focus on its aura to add it to your current shields.


This is a form of psychic vampire that survives on the draining of negative energy alone. Usually they will seek out and draw energy from sickness in any human they encounter. In draining the negative energy a victim invariably feels better and is possibly even healthier. Symbiotics drain negative energy with intent, but do not usually wish to harm their victims.


Succubi (Incubi,in their male form) are said to be the demon children of Lilith who feed upon sexual energy. Coming in dreams, they feed by night upon the sexually frustrated and overactive. They are portrayed as having a vampiric nature – a desire to suck the life-force out of their victim.

Accounts by people who believe they have been attacked by such spirits describe one or more of the following:

  • A heavy weight on their chest so much that it nearly inhabits breathing
  • Glowing eyes staring at them, most often above them
  • The feeling of a presence in the room
  • Believing something black and amorphous is moving towards them
  • The notion that their life-force is being drained out of their body against their will
  • The feeling that something is literally penetrating (or appropriate)them

Of the unusual creatures of magick, myth and legend, the vampire is probably the most glamorous, and of vampires none hold this glamour more than the succubi, creatures of raw sex. The combined attraction of sex and death are strong in the succubus, and this glamour of the vampire should be used to its fullest potential. When you are a succubus, you are nothing less than a vampire.

Projection Exercise

Sit /stand in front of a mirror. See yourself completely neutrally, with your mind as empty as possible. Observe yourself and all your aspects. Take the emotions and images most associated with a succubus: lust, a quality of unearthly beauty and desirability, a hunger for sex and attention… whatever qualities you associate with a succubus.

When a succubus goes on a hunt she projects an aura of pure sex. Her smile offers within it all the lust in the world, and her eyes show her wisdom in the ways of temptation. You can obtain energy from victims by use of glamour, using whatever techniques you favour, monopolising the attention and sexual desires of them. Hold the individual’s attention, encouraging their desires towards you, looking them consistently in the eye if possible, all the while drawing energy from them by the techniques of psychic vampirism.

Obtaining energy from sex

Sex is an activity which produces a lot of energy, which is readily available to feed upon. Once you have entrapped your victim, sex is the inevitable consequence. If possible, it is advisable to restrain your victim by means of scarves, straps, cuffs etc., as this gives you a great deal of control over the proceedings. It is also better to be in the dominant position sexually, as this allows more control over your victim’s time of orgasm and levels of frustration.

Build up high levels of frustration in your victim, but do not allow him to orgasm. Administering some form of amphetamine can aid in this, as it will allow the victim to become heavily frustrated, but will make physical orgasm difficult or impossible. As your victim becomes more frustrated, visualised the trapped sexual energy building as a glow surrounding them, centered around their genitalia. You can gently siphon off and absorb this energy, by a similar process to that of more ‘standard’ psychic vampirism. You can absorb a large amount of built-up energy by visualising all the trapped energy being released into you at the point of your victim’s orgasm.

Astral Attack1

The spell’s power cycle power (for psychodrama purposes) is during the full moon and new moon, but can be done at any time and as many times as you wish. Before the performance of the spell you must soften up your victim – flirting with him, or even just being friendly. If the target of your spell is already your friend that should be enough. All you need is for the person to like you in some way. Through magick you can push his emotions to the point of ecstatic lust.

Choose a time when he has been asleep for at least four hours, as this will be the deepest sleep. Exercise your sensuality by going forth earlier in a manner to excite other men. Do not depend upon your strong desire for the man you wish to summon, as this alone is not enough. It is important that you engender the lust-energy from other men, as they will be supplying, through their sexual fantasies of this night, the proper balance – the completed circuit of needed magickal energy.

  1. Within the confines of your chamber place 4 black candles around the room at each cardinal point. Move the bed to the centre of the room.
  2. Put some evocative music (industrial/goth/classical) on and burn some incense.
  3. Here the masturbation begins. At the moment of orgasm force his image into your mind, and it is highly likely he will receive your visitation. If a man who is masturbating with your image in is mind should reach climax at the same time you yourself reach a climax which thinking of your quarry, you will be sure to reach him as he sleeps. Visualise the following: your mind shoots into the sky turning into a phantom-like creature. Your new body races towards the house of where your chosen target sleeps. You move at lightning speed through the skies, only taking a fraction of a second to arrive at your destination. You descend upon your victim to psychosexually attack him. The visualisation should end when the effects of the orgasm cease.
  4. Once you have visited him in this manner and caused his mind to dwell upon you, you must summon him. A few days (or the next day) after your visit as a succubus, stand before your chamber mirror, imagining yourself as the man you wish to summon and talk to him from the mirror. As he stands in your body he hears you command him to come to you. Make it as convincing as you can, reaching your climax as you would if you were practicing this ritual as a ‘strengthening’ rather than a summoning.

He will soon be yours.


To live with, love or befriend a vampire is to encounter a set of problems which may demand expanding the boundaries of one’s accepted reality. To come to terms with being a vampire oneself is to face an existence of karmic challenge. Sharing with others the benefits and disadvantages of physical existence on this plane, yet not quite human. Appearing on the surface to be a somewhat eccentric member of society, yet outward idiosyncrasies only hinting at how different you are from those around you.

Each of us incarnates for a lifetime with a certain way of relating to the physical world through the vehicle of our physical body. A vampire is a person born with an extraordinary capacity to absorb, channel, transform and manipulate pranic energy. She also has a critical energy imbalance which reels wildly from deficit to overload and back again. This capacity for handling energy is a gift, but the constant imbalance of her own system is the cause of the negative behaviour patterns and characteristics which may be noticable about a vampiric person.

Fresh blood is the highest known source of pranic energy. Only real vampires can directly absorb the pranic energy in fresh blood, and for this reason some real vampires are attracted to blood and find different means of obtaining it. However, it is a rare vampire who cannot absorb energy in much more subtle ways. This is the mechanism that causes vampires to inflict harm on others and themselves if they fail to realise what is happening and do conscious work on transforming their inner natures. Vampires are no more likely to be either malicious or spiritually aware the general population, but without awareness they can spend their lives making themselves and others unhappy, and will continue to incarnate in this pattern until they take action to change it.

There are a number of external symptoms of vampirism, but it is important to realise that some of them are found in ordinary human behaviour. Real vampires are identifiable partly because they have the majority of the symptoms, not just one or two. More significantly, they are distinguished by a certain quality to their energy and have a way of standing out vividly to everyone who interacts with them. There are few people who do not know at least one vampire.

Physically, vampires are ‘night people’ on a biological level. They have inverted circadian rhythms, with body cycles such as temperature peaks, menstrual onset, and the production of sleep hormones in the brain occurring at opposite times of the day from most people. They have difficulty adjusting to daytime schedules and frequently work nights. They tend to be photosensitive, avoiding sunlight and sun-burning easily, and have excellent night vision. Their vitality ranges widely, and they can be vigorous and active one day, depressed and languorous the next.

They have health problems such as heart murmurs, and have trouble digesting meats, vegetables and acidy drinks such as orange juice. Even those with cast-iron stomachs have many issues with food that are rooted in their constant hunger for energy. Contrary to the image of the thin vampire, many real vampires are troubled by obesity because of a hunger that makes them food addicts, and a system that is sluggish in processing physical food. They are also sometimes troubled by other substance addictions for the same reasons, but since their systems are tuned to pranic energy more than to processing physical substance, they may not be as sensitive to drugs and alcohol as an ordinary person would be. Complications at birth and persistent childhood sickness also prevail.

Emotionally, vampires are unpredictable, moody, temperamental and overwhelming. The major distinguishing characteristic between real vampires and ordinary people who share their qualities is the vampire’s intensity. Vampires are extremely intense people. They are often thought about by other people as being needy, attention-seeking, manipulative, exhausting, draining, conversation monopolisers, jealous, have a huge ego, etc. A vampire’s emotions are deep, fervent and powerful, and she usually displays great psychic ability and has uncontrolled magickal and psychic experiences. She may stop ageing in her early teens – about the time of awakening. Vampires have a deep look in their eyes that make people look twice at them; the eyes may also change colour or have ‘faery rings’ in them, appearing as two different shades. They are also empaths, and while they remain unconscious of their natures, they are frequently ‘psychic sponges’ who simply absorb vibrations from everywhere, with the expected emotional instability resulting. They take energy, throw energy around and some crave blood without ever having taken blood before.

A ‘hungry’ vampire – one whose energy level is deficiently imbalanced – becomes an involuntary psychic vortex, drawing all pranic energy in the area towards her. When the energy does not flow in fast enough (and it is typical of vampires that the energy never flows fast enough for them) she will begin manifesting behaviour patterns to increase the amount of conscious attention she receives from others. For this reason, some vampires develop a pattern of being aggressively confrontational, or of constantly antagonising people with whom they have relationships. Nearly all vampires, whatever ploys they use, have a talent for attracting/distracting the attention of everyone present.

Once a vampire overloads on energy, she reverses her behaviour patterns. She may become morose, silent, withdrawn and introverted. Some vampires become manically cheerful when they are satiated, but even their good moods seem to annoy others, and it is more typical for vampires to be infamous as wet blankets. ‘Hungry’ and ‘overload’ phrases can last for a few minutes or days at a time. Vampires are commonly loners, partly because they feel so different from those around them, but also because they have a need to control the degree of contact they have with sources of energy. At best described as ‘odd’, they know they are not normal, often feel detached and just at odds with everything. Friends may skirt them, wondering why they are acting strange and weird, not understanding them. They basically push everyone and everything away except for others like themselves, and will probably have trouble keeping friends.

Unconscious vampires have a tendency to reach adulthood with less than the average level of social skills and general finesse, and tend to be selfish and self-centered. The demands of their own energy systems are so distracting to them that it is difficult for them to pay attention to the needs of others. Their relationships tend to be disasters. Different vampires develop different patterns according to what works best for them in their life situation, but there are several common patterns. The ‘femme fatale’ or ‘lady killer’ vampires form a continuous series of sexual connections with one partner at a time, dropping each unfortunate lover as they become too exhausted (or defensive) to support the vampire’s energy needs. Other vampires form a long-term relationship with a single person – either another vampire whose energy cycles compliment their own, or a person who derives satisfaction from being a psychic servant or martyr. A common pattern, especially in young adults, is to consciously join social, religious, political and magickal groups and either blow them apart or end up being thrown out. Vampires may go through roommates, magickal groups, jobs and lovers like Kleenex.

Effects on others

Many people find that they feel ‘creepy’ or ‘weird’ around a vampire. This is usually due to the effects of one’s own life force being drawn towards the vampire’s vortex. Most people feel uncomfortable and distracted when their energy is pulled away from them. In addition to this, a common result of such an energy drain is for the aura to pull in tightly towards the body, causing a prickly sensation on the skin: the ‘creepy-crawlies’.

A prolonged or very involved relationship with a vampire can put a severe strain on the emotional and psychic energy systems of an ordinary person. People who have been seriously drained also become psychic vortices which pull life force away from other living things. However, they are never as powerful as a true vampire, and unlike vampires, quickly recover and stabilise. True vampires are born the way they are – no-one can be ‘turned into a vampire’. However, years of energy depletion can lead to health problems ranging from depression and malaise to a suppressed immune system and susceptibility to serious illnesses. Most people will break off the relationship before it gets that far.


Many vampires are attracted to magickal paths. In a magickal working group, their ability to wreak havoc is increased because of the psychic openness and trust that exist there. But there can be a benefit as well. Some vampires become aware of their true natures and choose to undertake serious work to transform themselves. As soon as they begin doing so, they become more acceptable working partners and companions. Once in control of their capacity for handling energy, they become extraordinary magicians and healers. Their ability to hold the attention of others gives them the potential to be fine leaders and teachers. Vampirism is the dark, unfocused side of a certain kind psychic talent which has been developing for many lifetimes. It is destructive only when a vampire either refuses to face the truth about herself and work with her abilities or when she chooses to play out a sinister role because of the illusion of power it gives her.

Because of this, many vampire characteristics are far less evident in the most powerful vampires, who have done considerable work on their inner selves. Many of them are poised, pleasant, competent individuals with great personal power. They have come to terms with who and what they are, and no longer exhibit the negative qualities associated with psychic vampirism. Unfortunately, unconscious vampires are far more common than evolved ones, and it these types who more usually appear in magickal groups.


Those who believe they may be dealing with a friend or group member who is a vampire may try to help them explore their inner nature and come to terms with their destructive behaviours. Those who feel victimised can choose to end the relationship. Nothing is evil by nature, only by choice. Terror of discovery – followed by ridicule or rejection – inhibits the self-development of many vampires. When they reach out for friendship, they are often reaching out for help.

If you believe you may be a real vampire yourself, you have a long and difficult process ahead of you. The most important step on your path is complete self-awareness… of your relationships, patterns, energy levels and all other personal qualities. You can learn to draw strength from other sources… start learning about meditation or yoga and how you can use it to take control of your body. Knowledge, awareness and control are the lessons vampires must learn in order to harness their abilities. For better or worse, they will keep the qualities they develop for many lives to come.

“But first, on tomb as vampire sent,

Thy corpse shall from its tomb be rent;

The ghastly haunt thy nature place,

And suck the blood of all thy race;

There from thy daughter, sister, wife,

At midnight drain the stream of life…

Wet with thy own best blood shall drip,

Thy nashing tooth and haggard lip;

Then stalking to thy sullen grave,

Go – and with the ghouls and afreets rave,

‘Til these in horror shrink away,

From spectre more accursed than they!”

Lord Byron, The Giaour(1813)

1taken from The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey

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