12 - MUTINY (Best Buffy Scenes)
Created | Updated Jun 25, 2004
Mutiny from season 7 - Empty Places
(Everyone, the scooby's and potentials are all in Buffy's living room and Buffy has just suggested that they all go back in to fight Caleb)
Buffy - "Look I know what you're thinking but I had a visit today at the school from caleb"
Dawn - "Buffy why didn't you..."
Buffy - "I'm fine, I mean it wasn't fun but I'm fine. I'm better than fine. I figured something out, he kept making all this noise about the school"
Robin - "Is it that seal again?"
Willow - "Do we need to try shutting it down again?"
Buffy - "No, that's just it. we've spent all this time worrying about the seal and the hellmouth, why isn't Caleb guarding them? Why doesn't he have someone there protecting it? Why is he camped out at the vinyard? The bad guys always go to where the power is. So if the seal was so important to caleb and the First, they'd be there right now. They're protecting the vinyard or something at the vinyard. I say it's their power and I say it's time we go in and take it away from them!"
Faith - "Or in the alternative how about.....we dont! I mean it's a great theory B but I'm not going back in that place, not without proof and neither should you and neither should they"
Buffy - "I'm not saying it's gonna be easy"
Robin - "I think Faith had the floor"
Faith - "Maybe it ends ok the way you wanna play it but maybe it doesn't and right now I don't think I want you playing the odds"
Buffy - "Did you come here to fight?"
Faith - "Listen we're fighters all of us, but you gotta give me something to fight, something real not..."
Giles - "Windmills"
Buffy - "There is something there"
Giles - "Maybe but we can't be sure of that, this is a hell of a lot to ask"
Buffy - "I don't understand this, for seven years I've kept us safe by doing this, exactly this, making the hard decisions and now what, suddenly you're all acting like you don't trust me"
Giles - "Didn't you say to me today 'you can't trust us'. I mean maybe there's something there that should be addressed"
Buffy - "Is that why you sent Spike away, to ambush me?"
Giles - "Come on"
Rhona - "You know what, I am sick of your deal with this Spike guy, this isn't about him it's about you. You're being reckless!"
Buffy - "What?"
Rhona - "You are! I don't even know you and I can tell. You are so obsessed with beating Caleb, you are willing to jump into any plan without thinking"
Buffy - "That is not what I'm doing"
Kennedy - "Well that's how it feels to us, people are dying"
Willow - "Kennedy"
Kennedy - "Why are you always standing up for her?"
Willow - "I'm not"
Buffy - "What do you mean you're not?"
Willow - "With everything that's happened, I'm worried about your judgement"
Buffy - "Look I wish this could be a democracy, I really do, but democracies dont win battles. it's a hard truth but there has to be a single voice. You need someone to issue orders and be reckless sometimes and not take your feelings into account. you need someone to lead you!"
Anya - "And it's automatically you. You really think you're better than we are"
Buffy - "No..."
Anya - "But we don't know, we don't know if you're actually better. I mean you came into the world with certain advantages sure. I mean that's the legacy..."
Buffy - "I...."
Anya - "But you didn't earn it, you didn't work for it. You've never had anyone come up to you and say you deserve these things more than anybody else. They were just handed to you. So that doesn't make you better than us it makes you luckier than us"
Buffy - "I've got us this far"
Xander - "But not without a price"
Buffy - "Xander"
Xander - "I'm trying to see your point here Buff, but I guess it must be a little to my left caus I just don't"
Buffy - "Look I'm willing to talk strategy ok. I'll hear suggestions on how to break this down, but this is the plan. We have to be together on this or we will fail again!"
Giles - "We are clearly demonstrating that we are not together on this"
Buffy - "Which is why you have to fall in line!"
(Giles glares at Buffy with shock and anger)
Buffy - "Look I'm still in charge here"
Rhona - "And why is that exactly?"
Buffy - "Because I'm the slayer"
Rhona - "And isn't Faith a slayer too?"
Faith - "What? woh woh woh, so not what I meant, I'm not in charge chick. I think B here just needs to chill out for a bit, take a siesta or something but I'm not the one you want"
Kennedy - "Maybe we need a vote to see who wants Faith to have a turn in charge"
Buffy - "No!"
Kennedy - "No what!"
Buffy - "No...you dont get to vote until I have my chance to pal around, you know get everybody drunk. See I didn't get that this was a popularity contest. I should have equal time to bake them cookies, braid their hair..."
Faith - "Learn their names"
Buffy - "ha, you're just loving this arn't you"
Faith - "You have no idea what I'm feeling"
Buffy - "Come in here, take everything that I have, I mean you did it before. Did you tell them that, did you tell them how you used to kill people for fun. Eh you guys think that's nifty...."
Giles - "Buffy that's enough!"
Faith - "I didn't come here to take anything away from you but I'm not gonna be your little lap dog either. I came here to beat the other guy, to do right, however it works. I don't know if I can lead but the real question is can you follow?"
Buffy - "Wait...guys....I can't watch you throw away everything. I know I'm right about this, I just need a little....I can't stay here and watch her lead you into some disaster"
(Dawn stands up and walks over to Buffy)
Dawn - "Then you can't stay here"
(Buffy looks at dawn so hurt and betrayed)
Dawn - "Buffy I love you but you were right, we have to be together on this. You can't be a part of it so I need you to leave. I'm sorry but this is my house too"
(Buffy looks around the room at everyone, she's almost in tears but holding strong, so's not to cry in front of them and walks out)
Rhona - "Ding dong the witch is dead"
Dawn - "Shut Your Mouth!!"
(Buffy is outside, when Faith follows her out)
Faith - "Hey look I swear I didn't want it to go this way"
Buffy - "Don't!" (She's crying)
Faith - "I mean it I...."
Buffy - "Don't be afraid to lead them. Whether you wanted it or not their lives are yours now. It's only gonna get harder, protect them"
(She turns around and looks at Faith)
Buffy - "But lead them"
(Faith goes back into the house and Buffy walks off down the street alone)
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