
1 Conversation

Television1 is one half important informational tool, one half complete waste of time. Televison was oringaly created to be a way of bring people pictures of what they heard on radio2 but now, after people leared that television could entertain, it has proceeded to slowly loose all entertainment value. There is a great deal to be learned from televison, like where to go on vacation, or find out how much money you lost on the stock market that day, but most shows are just mind numbing rot. Some try to be informational, others try to be educational, but most just come off boring and dull. What little that remains of 'good' television is quite exellent, especially whan compared to the rest of television. Your chances of finding something intersesting are slim however; most areas that have widespread televison have over a hundred channels. Some rural areas, and areas controlled by oppressive governments, have much less channels, but a proportonately diminished entertainment value. Do not dispair though, what is worth watching out there, is well worth searching for.
1Also known as TV, The (Boob) Tube, The Tele, or pesdonyms.2The radio was created in much the same spirit, but is nearly all mindless drivel now, too, seperated by bursts of music.

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