The Final Fantasy Series
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
The Final Fantasy series is made by Squaresoft, arguably the best of all RPG1 devlopers. The series has eight incarnations plus numerous spin-offs into fighting and strategy-type games. The core games have huge cult following in the US and Japan. These fans, who sometimes go by the term "Final Fanatics" or "Otaku2" are feircely loyal, and sometimes quite irritable, due to lack of free time for healthy activites, such as socal stimulation, sunlight, and sleep.
The Games
The Final Fanatasy games usually center on a main charater, who for some reason or other is forced to go on a quest to save the world. The quest usually starts as something simple, like walking into a run-down bar, then devlops into something more grandiose, like averting an apocalyptic meteor. During the journey the player will meet several charaters who accompany the party, for reasons from adventure, love, or revenge. Every game has some point where there is absolutely no chance of good prevailing; however, this is an epic tale and good somehow pulls through.
From one game to another there is no continutity. None. At all. The settings have become more technologically advanced as time and sequels progress, which has led to major controversy over which game is the best.
In Case it Comes up Converstion...
If you're ever in a conversation where the topic suddenly switches to which is the best, leave the room immeadately. Not that the games are bad mind you (in fact, they're quite good) but that kind of disscussion can only lead to one of two possible outcomes: One, serious injury. Any Fanatic will not hesitate to knaw his or her own leg off if it proves that their favorite sequel in the series is best. Or two, the end of civilization. If do you stay to argue your point without sustaining injury, the end of the world as we know it will surely occur before any kind of settlement can be reached.