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A long coat, usually black, gray or khaki, although there are variations.

This particular style of coat was invented by the military, evidently for wearing whilst sitting around in cold, muddy trenches. I intend to research that bit some more.

A terribly useful article of clothing. I will be so bold as to compare it to a wearable towel.

1. It keeps you warm.

2. It has huge pockets for keeping things in. It can perform the function of a handbag, but it is better than a handbag because it's something you wear and not something you carry. This means that you can't put it down somewhere and lose it and can't have it snatched. Unless of course it is too hot to wear a trenchcoat, in which case it is still better than a handbag because you can fit more things in it.

3. You can use it as a blanket.

4. You can sit on it.

5. It looks good. At least this is my personal opinion.

6. It can provide harmless amusement at the expense of silly people.

7. Everyone is extra careful in ensuring that you don't accidentally leave your bag(s) lying around. Especially at airports. ;-)

The trenchcoat (especially the longer black variety) has gained a lot of undeserved notoriety after the Columbine massacre in the United States. The mainstream media has made popular the belief that the trenchcoat is a symbol of Nazism and that people who wear trenchcoats are antisocial weirdoes who are likely to commit heinous acts of violence against their fellow man. A lot of trenchcoat-wearing US schoolkids have been unfairly harassed because of this.

Fortunately, down here in South Africa the situation is far less unpleasant. However, my boyfriend - who always wears a long off-black* trenchcoat - has been treated with deep suspicion by various shop assistants, and found it very amusing.

*Very dark navy blue. You have to look hard to notice.

Trenchcoats are often on sale in second-hand coat shops and army surplus stores at quite reasonable prices.

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