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Rain. Everyone should know about this one. But for you poor, deprived souls that don't, I'll explain it. Ever hear that pitter-patter upon your roof? That's rain. Ever walked outside and wondered why you're suddenly wet? That's rain. Ever watched the news and heared them say somesuch about clouds and all? Clouds main rain. So, what makes clouds? I haven't the foggiest. Well, actually I do, but it would take quite a while to explain, and then this would be the wrong section, as this section is about rain, not clouds.

Now, back to rain. Rain makes mud, which is good to plant those new flowers in. Just make sure they aren't planted in the winter, or fall, as they'll die when the snow comes. The best time to plant them is in the spring, say April. April showers bring May flowers, the saying goes. Why have rain? You say. Well, if there wasn't rain, our world would be a desolate desert. (No, not dessert.) Yes, some of you out there wouldn't mind it being a desert, but there are yet some others who would. Can you play soccer on a desert? Not easily. Hockey? No. Football? No. Basketball? Perhaps. Baseball? No. See how horrid it would be if Earth became a desert? Shame on all of you who wish it was.

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