10 - WHEN IT SNOWED (Best Buffy Scenes)

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Number 10 in the best Buffy scenes

When It Snowed from season 3 - Ammends

(It's christmas eve and Angel is standing at the top of the hill waiting for sunrise, when Buffy turns up)

Buffy - "Angel"
Angel - "I bet half the kids down there are already awake, lying in their beds, sneaking downstairs, waiting for day"
Buffy - "Angel please. I need to get you inside, theres only a few minutes left"
Angel - "I know. I can smell the sunrise long before it comes."
Buffy - "I don't have time to explain this, you just have to trust me. That thing that was haunting you...."
Angel - "It wasn't haunting me it was showing me"
Buffy - "Showing you?"
Angel - "What I am"
Buffy - "Were!"
Angel - "And never shall be. Look I wanted to know why I was back, now I do"
Buffy - "You don't know! Some great evil takes credit for bringing you back and you buy it, you just give up?"
Angel - "I can't do it again buffy. I can't become a killer!"
Buffy - "Then fight it!"
Angel - "It's too hard"
Buffy - "Angel, please you have to get inside"
Angel - "It told me to kill you. you were in the dream you know. It told me to loose my soul in you and become a monster again"
Buffy - "I know what it told you. What does it matter?"
Angel - "Because I wanted to, because I want you so badly. i wanna take comfort in you and I know it'll cost me my soul and part of me doesn't care"

(Angel starts to cry)

Angel - "Look I'm weak, I've never been anything else. It's not the demon in me that needs killing, it's the man"

Buffy starts crying)

Buffy - "You're weak, everybody is, everybody fails. maybe this evil did bring you back, but if it did it's because it needs you and that means you can hurt it. Angel you have the power to do real good, to make ammends, but if you die now then that's all you ever were was a monster....Angel please the sun is coming up"
Angel - "Just go!"
Buffy - "I won't"
Angel - "What? You think this is simple? You think there's an easy answer? You can never understand what i've done. now go!"
Buffy - "You're not staying here. I won't let you"
Angel - "I said leave!"

(He pushes her away and she punches him in the face then he knocks her flying to the ground then grabs her)

Angel - "Am I a thing worth saving huh? Am I a rightous man. The world want's me gone!"
Buffy - "What about me? I love you so much..."

(She's crying even more now)

Buffy - "..and I tried to make you go away. I killed you and it didn't help..."

(She pushes him away)

Buffy - "....and I hate it! I hate that it's so hard and that you can hurt me so much. i know everything you did because you did it to me. God I wish I wished you dead, but I can't"
Angel - "Buffy please, just this once let me be strong?"
Buffy - "Strong is fighting, it's hard and it's painful and it's everyday. It's what we have to do and we can do it together...but if you're too much of a coward for that, then burn! If I can't convince you that you belong in this world then I don't know what can, but do not expect me to watch and don't expect me to mourne for you because...."

(It starts snowing)

(They stop arguing and look at the sky then at each other)

(Shot of Willow and Oz seeing the snow)
(Shot of Faith and Joyce stepping outside to see)
(Shot of Giles looking out of the window)
(Shot of Xander outside in his sleeping bag getting snowed on)

(Then a shot of the TV weatherman saying not to expect to see any sun at all today)

(Then a shot of Buffy and Angel walking down the street holding hands in the snow)

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