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* The high school used in BtVS is Torrance High, the same school used in 'Beverly Hills 90210

* Cemetary sequences in season 1 were shot at Rosedale cemetary in LA.

* The zoo segments from the pack were shot at Santa Ana zoo

* Angel's duster is from Hugo Boss

* Alyson Hannigan was NOT the original Willow Rosenberg

* Nicholas Brendon didn't start acting until he was 25

* The Natural History Museum from Inca Mummy Girl is located at 900 Exposition Blv, near the University of Southern California in LA

* Alyson Hannigan had make-up whiz Todd McIntosh to do her up as a vampire for a Halloween party in 1997

* The Ice-rink in 'What's My Line pt1' is a place called Iceland, located at 8041 Jackson St, Paramount, California.

* The pines outside Buffy's window are Deodora pines

* Buffy was turned into a rat so she could host Saturday Night Live

* All the actors shoes have rubber soles to cut down on noise.

* The first episode to prompt a public service announcement was 'I Only Have Eyes For You'

* The Mutant Enemy logo monster dons his mortarboard at the end of Graduation Day,

* The title of 'Fear, Itself' refers to the speech given by President Roosevelt* when Tara says "be back before Dawn", it's a reference to the upcoming arrival of Buffy's new sister.

*The shots of Joyce's face from 'The Body' were not doctored, what you see is natural acting.

*Nicholas' twin brother ????? was used in 'The Replacement'

*SMG hated the idea of 'OMWF', she was worried her voice was not good enough.

*Spike's character was only supposed to be a story line bad guy, but was kept after they realised how popular he was
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