8 - CLASS PROTECTOR (Best Buffy Scenes)

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Number 8 in the best Buffy scenes

The Class Protector from season 3 - The Prom

(Everyone is at the prom and the awards are being given out)

(Jonathan steps onto the stage and reads the next award)

Jonathan - "We have one more award to give out... Is Buffy Summers here tonight?"

(everyone one looks around at Buffy, she slowly lifts her head in shock and confusion)

Jonathan - "She um...this is actually a new catagory, first time ever. I guess there were a lot of write in ballets and um well, the prom committee asked me to read this. We are not good friends, most of us never found the time to get to know you, but that doesn't mean we havn't noticed you. We don't talk about it much but it's no secret that Sunnydale high isn't really like other high schools, a lot of wierd stuff happens here"

(Shouts from the crowd "Zombies", "Hyena people", "Snyder" and they giggle)

Jonathan - "But whenever there was a problem or something creepy happened, you seemed to show up and stop it. Most of the people here have been saved by you or helped by you at one time or another"

(Buffy smiles and Giles looks at her and smiles too)

Jonathan - "Were proud to say that the class of 99 has the lowest mortality rate of any graduating class in Sunnydale history!"

(Willow, Oz and Xander all smile and everyone gives a great applause)

Jonathon - "And we know at least part of that is because of you. So the senior class offers it's thanks and gives you..um...this!"

(He pulls out a bueatiful little umbrella)

Jonathan - "From all of us and it has wriiten here, Buffy Summers, Class Protector"

(Everyone claps, Giles looks at Buffy so proud of her and she walks through the crowd up onto the stage with a huge smile on her face, recieves her award and turns around holding the umbrella and gives everyone a thankful and heartfelt smile)

(Shot on everyone dancing and Giles sitting down as Wesley walks over and sits down beside him)

Wesley - "Mr Giles, I'd like your opinion, while the last thing I wish to do is model bad behavior in front of immpressionable youth. I wonder if asking Miss Chase to dance..."
Gile - "For god sakes man she's eighteen and you have the emotional maturity of a blueberry scone. Just have at it would you and stop fluttering about" (And he walks off)
Wesley - "Right then"

(A beautiful song (Wild Horses by The Sundays) starts playing and everyone starts dancing)

(Buffy is standing alone by the punch bowl when Giles walks up to her)

Giles - "You did good work tonight Buffy"
Buffy - "And I got a little toy supprise"
Giles - "Yes. I had no idea children on mass could be gracious"
Buffy - "Every now and then people supprise you"

(Giles looks up)

Giles - "Every now and then"

(He takes the umbrella from her and she looks around to see Angel standing there all dressed up in his tuxedo)

(Angel walks over to her)

Buffy - "I never thought you'd come"
Angel - "It's a big night, I didn't wanna miss it. It's just tonight, it doesn't mean that....."
Buffy - "I know, I mean I understand"
Angel - "Dance with me?"

(And he takes her in his arms, they hold each other close and dance)

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