A Conversation for Wasps -how to trap them.

A215885 - Wasps -how to trap them.

Post 21

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

The author *is* still around, I've left a message on his or her personal space.... Maybe we'll be surprised with a reappearance soon? I hate to see all these goodies end up in the flea market...


A215885 - Wasps -how to trap them.

Post 22


Actually, the author's long gone - U102506 hasn't posted for about a year. The submitter, Deoxyribonucleic Acid, is, however, still around.

*sigh* It looks like one for the FM, to me...


A215885 - Wasps -how to trap them.

Post 23

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

smiley - blush Silly me, I'm so used to assuming that whoever submitted the entry also wrote the entry. Well then, shall me shuffle it off to the FM?


A215885 - Wasps -how to trap them.

Post 24


*sighs* Seconded (or thirded...)

RhoMuNuQ smiley - sadface

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