Euroa, Victoria, Australia

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Euroa is a small country town in North-East Victoria, Australia. Find a map of Australia. Draw a straight line between Melbourne and Albury. Euroa is right in the middle. It has a population of 2,800 (according to the sign by the road on the way in, which hasn't been updated or replaced in the 20 years I've been alive), mostly consisting of the residents of the town's several retirement villages.

About 15 years ago, Euroa was bypassed by the Hume Highway, thus becoming something of a backwater. It is a place where very little changes, and the opening of a new shop or the closing of an old one is a matter for much discussion or, more commonly, gossip.

I was born in this town, and spent the first 17 years of my life living there. I cannot express how glad I was to leave. You may have heard of inbreeding? There are not many people who can say they've had much contact with inbred people. Euroa is almost entirely inbred. The sort of place where you have to be careful who you insult in front of whom, as somebody is likely to turn around and say "That's my cousin you're talking about... I'm going to kill you now!"

Anyway, don't let me put you off visiting. It really is a very pretty town, very nice to stop in for lunch or coffee, or even to stay a few days if you've got the time. Just don't ever move there.

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