4 - STRENGTH FROM THE HEART (Best Buffy Scenes)

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Number 4 in the best Buffy scenes

Strength from the heart from season 7 - Touched

(Spike had gone in search of Buffy and found her in an abandoned house and they'd been talking about her going back to the house after Buffy had been cast out by her friends and the potentials)

Spike - "No?"
Buffy - "No!"
Spike - "You mean no as in eventually?"
Buffy - "You really have problems with that word dont you?"
Spike - "You can get them back"
Buffy - "Can maybe, should?....just so tired"
Spike - "They need you!"
Buffy - "What?"
Spike - "It's bloody chaos over there without you"
Buffy - "It is?"
Spike - "Yeah, yeah its uh...theres junk y'know, food cartons, sleeping bags not rolled up. Everyones very scared and unkept."
Buffy - "Sounds dire"
Spike - "I didn't see a lot. I came, hit Faith a bunch of times and left."
Buffy - "Really?..I mean not that I'm glad"
Spike - "Oh you say the word and she's a footnote in history, I'll make it look like a painful accident"
Buffy - "That's my problem. I say the word, some girl dies, everytime"
Spike - "There's always casualties in war"
Buffy - "Casualties... it just sounds so casual. These are girls that I got killed. I cut myself off from them, all of them. I knew I was gonna loose some of them and I didn't.....You know what, Im still making excuses. I've always cut myself off, I've always....being the slayer made me different but it's my fault I stayed that way. People are always trying to connect to me and I just slip away. You should know"
Spike - "I seem to recall a certain amount of connecting"
Buffy - "Oh please, we were never close, you just wanted me because I was unotainable"
Spike - "You think that's all that was?"
Buffy - "Please lets not go over the past?"
Spike - "Oh no, no, lets hold on here. I've hummed along to your piddy diddy and I think I should have the mic for a bit"
Buffy - "Fine, the stage is yours, cheer me up"
Spike - "You're insufferable!"
Buffy - "Thank you that really helped"
Spike - "I'm not trying to cheer you up"
Buffy - "Then what are you trying to say?"
Spike - "I don't know, I'll know when I'm done saying it. Something pissed me off and I just...unotainable that's it"
Buffy - "Fine I'm otainable, I'm an otainathon, may I please just go to sleep?"
Spike - "You listen to me, I've been alive a lot longer than you and dead a lot longer than that. I've seen things you couldn't imagine and done things I'd rather you didn't. Don't exactly have a reputation for being a thinker, I follow my blood, which doesn't exactly rush in the direction of my brain. So I make a lot of mistakes, a lot of wrong bloody calls. A hundred plus years and there's only one thing I've ever been sure of....You!"

(He touches her cheek and she turns away)

Spike - "Hey, look at me. I'm not asking you for anything. When I say I love you, it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It's nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try"

(She starts to cry)

Spike - "I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and worst of you and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a women Buffy. You're the one!"
Buffy - "I don't wanna be the one"
Spike - "I don't wanna be this good looking and athletic, we all have crosses to bare"

(She giggles)

Spike - "You get some rest now"

(She lies down on the bed)

Spike - "I'll check in before first light, you can decide how you want"
Buffy - "Spike...could you stay here?"
Spike - "Sure... that diabolical old torture device, the comfy chair, do me fine"

(He takes his coat off)

Buffy - "No....I mean..here"

(She moves over on the bed)

Buffy - "Will you just hold me?"

(And he lies down on the bed beside her, holding her in his arms)

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