The CAVEbar

3 Conversations

world leaders Soup!BeerA bar maid with two beers

A pleasent litte hole-in-the-wall establishment frequently visited by the many and merry mmbers of the ill-reputed organization known as CAVE (or the Campaign to Allow Violent Emoticons)

You can see some regulars (AK and Wonko) at the bar speaking to barmaid Gina, while the bartender (Damien) pours some smiley - and for some random guys shaking off the cold night. Come on in, and have a drink! You can have any drink you wish, and are fine cooks work the Grill like slaves, or even Mongolians, if you request it. The specialty today, World leader soup! So come on in, and join the crowd!

French wineBottles of Tequila and the blue agave plant

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