Human Error
Created | Updated Nov 25, 2004
About the types of errors and slips, problems in communicating through design, Donald Norman. See the Atled Volunteers thread
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- Capture Error - an action is replaced or "captured" by a second action. Normally referred to as "force of habit", the capture error occurs when you do something simply because it's what you usually do rather than what you intended to do or should have done.
- Definition Error - the wrong action is taken because of a similarity between two actions or two objects that cause a momentary confusion. A simple example is taking a sip from someone else's drink at a party after you have both put your cups down in the same place, it's especially bad if the other person has been using their cup as an ash tray.
- Data-Driven Error - an external stimulus interrupts your chain of thought results in an alteration. Trying to tell someone your telephone number while writing down your address can result in the numbers getting mixed up.
- Associative Error - like the data-driven error, but the stimulus is internal. This is more famously known as the "Freudian Slip", in which the subconscious is expressed via a slip of the tongue.
- Loss of Activation Error - Did you ever go to the supermarket to buy some eggs, and come home with everything but the eggs? Loss of activation error is simply forgetting what you intended to do, usually on account of the passage of time between when you decide to do it and when you act on that decision.
- Mode Error - The mode error occurs when an action has a different meaning or consequence based on some other factor. Back in the days of DOS, you might save a document by pressing F7 in one program, but in another program pressing F7 might delete your document.