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The Beginning

In 1999 (I think) Michael Mackert decided to create a website dedicated to his favourite fantasy book series, The Wheel of Time. He found geocities, and did just that, creating wotmania, and himself: wotmania a.k.a. Mike. As the site gained popularity, it became an independent website from geocities, and it went through many looks. Normally this was blue. It attracted many nuts and bolts from around the world, first because of its very good knowledge base about WoT, later because nuts and bolts attract more nuts and bolts. Mostly these are Aussies.

The Present

Originally it was (and still is) a fansite for The Wheel of Time. That section is now segregated into the WoT part of the site, or the "Concentration Camp" as the regulars like to think of it as. The Community message board deals with random off-topic stuff, like drunken spam, and Other Fantasy deals with all kinds of cool literature and films and stuff. There's also a Games board and a Team board. The last one isn't allowed for us normal mortal un-admins. wotmania's got a very good community (made up of people who are called "wotmaniacs" for a reason), so it's worth checking out even if you've never heard of WoT...

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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