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Roger Delgado (actor)
Roger was the first actor to play The Master in Dr Who from 1970 to 1973, infact he was the only actor to be considered for the role. His appearance in Dr Who made a signifcant impact on his career namely the fact that he is best remembered for the character of the Master (even if people don't remember his name they usually remember his portrayal of the character usually saying 'I can't remember his name but I know he had a beard').

Name: Roger Caesar Marius Bernard de Delgado Torres Castillo Roberto
Date of Birth: 01 March 1918

His mother was French and his father was Spanish. He was born in Whitechapel within the sound of Bow Bells making him a true cockney.

Education: He was educated at the Cardinal Vaughn School, London and The London School of Economics

On leaving school he began his working life in a bank but quit after 18 months and joined a Rep Company in Leicester.

When war broke out in 1939 the forces were reluctant to accept him because of his mixed parentage. He eventually joined The Royal Leicester Regiment and saw active service in Europe and the Far East, obtaining the rank of Major in the Royal Signals in India.

After the war he joined a Rep Company in York and eventually joined the BBC Rep.

He married Kismet in 1956 (don't think they ever had any children as none have been mentioned).

He made his first film appearance in 1953 the film was called The Captain's Paradise with Alec Guiness.

Other films include:

The Battle of The River Plate
Terror of The Tongs
The Mummy's Shroud (Hasmid)
The Sandwich Man (Abdul)
In Search of The Castaways

He also made a patomime appearance in 1962 in Old King Cole with Charlie Drake.

He made numerous appearances in various television programmes before joining Dr Who in 1970 to play the character of The Master in:

Terror of The Autons
The Mind of Evil
Claws of Axos
Colony In Space
The Daemons
The Sea Devils
The Time Monster
Frontier In Space (his last story)

Other TV appearances include:

The Human Jungle (Algenon Wigglesworth)
The Three Princes
Sir Francis Drake
Queens Champion
The Hunting Tower
The Saint
The Avengers (Kreer)
The Buccaneers
Randall and Hopkirk (Tapiro)
The Persuaders (Estoban)
Danger Man
The Champions (Yussef)
The Zoo Gang

He died on 18 June 1973 in Neveshir, Turkey. He was about to start making a film called Bell of Tibet, which was cancelled because of his death. The car he was in ran off the road and into a ravine killing both him and another film technician. The driver however survived.

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