Arcane questions...
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Last updated Saturday the 19th of February year 2000
Me and some of my mates were having an intellectual and deeply philosophical conversation the other day, and we came across the question of “what is the meaning of life” but as one of my slower friends could not keep up with the conversation and so we thought up some interesting and extremely funny (and not to mention completely pointless) questions. For example “If superman can stop bullets with his chest, then why does he always duck when the crooks throw the gun?” and “If you can not pay an exorcists bill, can they repossess your house?” the rest of the list is below and I will update them as soon as possible. The list will be added to so that if you missed them the first time round you can see the improved and longer list and if you want to add any questions to the list or comment on the list you know the procedures. So far, I have had some interesting comments so could you help me out by putting down some more questions or even some answers if you think you are up to it! Nevertheless, the key to success is good criticism or something like that. So have fun you lucky, lucky people! ;-)
1.“If your nose was upside down, would you drown when it rained?”
2.“How long is a yonk?”
3.“Is a tortoise without a shell homeless or naked?”
4.“Do we eat or drink soup?”
5.“How would you find a pair of camouflage trousers?”
6.“Did cavemen go night clubbing?”
7.“At what stage during the cooking process does bread become toast?”
8.“Do flies realise that no-one likes them?”
9.“If a room is totally unused for a while where does the dust come?
10.“Do trainee under takers re-herse?”
11.“Does a person who gets amnesia and deja vous at the same time forget
something that they thought they forgot before?”
12.“Whats the point of apathy?”
13.“If they built a bridge between England and France, what side would we drive
14.“Is there a crack group of seismologists?”
15.“Should you ring the r.s.p.c.a when it rains cats and dogs?
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
There will be some more as soon as possible! So come back soon and I will keep you updated!
But for now this is Agent ‘M’ signing over and out…