A mostly harmless paper

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Do you ever get the feeling that someone is following you? That your every move is being watched? That someone is listening in on your deepest secret? That around every turn you take someone is tracking you, but they slip into the shadows whenever you turn around to look? A lot of people have these feelings. Why? Simple, they are being followed, they are being watched, and they are being listened to. By whom you might ask. By none other than the government it’s self. What reason could there possibly be that would cause the government to do such a thing? The people know too much. For that reason I was force to change the name of this paper. I had to, to protect myself and anyone who is willing to listen. Within the confines of this paper are many truths that the government either doesn’t want to tell you, doesn’t want you to know or just plain out lied to you in order to cover them up. I feel it is my duty and obligation to warn you that reading this paper could possibly put you and those close to you, at risk. I plead, proceed with the utmost caution, They don’t want anyone to know more than what they tell us and will remove such persons with extreme prejudice. For the safety of us all, don’t tell anyone what you know unless you are certain you can trust them. The enemy is everywhere. With that being said I feel comfortable to continue and tell you…

The Lie: You, along with the rest of the population, have most likely been instructed to believe that the government is your friend, it is there to help you. The government is your protector, your guardian; your knight is shining armor. It knows you it listens to your problems; it is there to serve you. It cares for you, nurtures you, and gives you peace. Amen.

As children we are taught to believe this. We have been programmed, spoon-fed corporate backwash. Brought up to idolize the imagined. We have been brainwashed from birth, given blasphemous dreams of becoming kings and queens, princes and princesses, rock stars, superheroes, actors, doctors, and lawyers. Well, maybe not lawyers, they are tools of the government. Never the less we filled with the hopes of becoming important people. That’s exactly what the government wants us to think. This is all part of the system’s control. The ideology that Uncle Sam wants you couldn’t be further from…

The Truth: The truth is the government doesn’t want us. It doesn’t need us. In all actuality it wants to be rid of us. We are underlings, minions, lackeys and unfortunately there are more of us than the government would care to have around. You might be wondering why the government doesn’t want us. We all do our jobs, make money, serve to better humanity. Or so we think, all the while the government is watching our pocket books. Tenaciously planning the exact moment when they will bump us and pickpocket all our possessions. They do well to hide their methods, but it’s as they say, the best place to hide something is right under their noses. Take taxes for example. This must be the greatest money making scheme ever thought up. We do the governments dirty work to get paid in return for our labor they tax us. Then we are taxed on the left over money when we buy products. Once we put these products in our homes, which we are taxed on, a government worker comes and looks at all our possessions and says how much we should be taxed for because of them. Then we receive a bill telling us to pay our taxes, in order to send this in we have to buy stamps which are, in them selves a tax.

You say “So the government takes a little of our money it’s not that much, besides we can always make more. It’s not like we’re living in some third world country.” Believing that is another mistake. First off it’s not just a little money, the government may not take a lot of money but it takes it from a lot of people. “There are approximately 292,788,932 people in the USA. (US Census bureau)” If that isn’t bad enough we may soon enough find our selves in a third world country. Why do you think this war was started? To bring peace to the world? More like bring the world to pieces so the government can sweep us up into another conspiracy. This war is just another system of control designed to put our hard-earned money in the government’s pockets. How? By eliminating us underlings. Answer me this: What started the war? 9-11 right? Plane crashes and the World Trade Center? Guess again. The answer once more is the government. There were no Taliban Operatives on those planes. It’s all just a giant blanket sown together from cooperate lies; designed to cover up the undeniable truth that it is the system it’s self just trying to weed out the middlemen and put a few more coins in it’s purse. So what if they lost a few planes and a couple of buildings. They gained a whole lot of money and tricked us in to following their pre-paved path. How does war gain money for the government? Don’t they then have to buy guns and tanks and the like? No, they don’t they’ve already got the money for that. “Tanks are really cheap to build when you are only planing to use them as suicide machines.” (www.conspiracydigest.com) It gains money for them by getting rid of us. Say a group of ten people go on a mission. Each of these people makes a five-figure income. Then say only two of them are allowed to make it back so the mission doesn’t look like the complete trap that it was. That means the government is going to profit $80, 000. And that’s a very low estimate. Now look at our latest endeavors that involve several thousand people. That’s a whole lot of money being saved by the government. Ever wonder why we haven’t caught Osama Bin Laden? It’s because he doesn’t exist. He’s another illusion, he’s bait. An object designed to pull our attention away from the government and onto a person. It’s all part of the control and we have all been victims of it for far too long.

Need more evidence? The draft is a prime example. It’s made to get rid of the men. If there aren’t men around then the women can’t have children so there will be less underlings to soak up the money. “The problem is that the last time they tried this it back fired, to many men came back and had large amounts of children.” (www.conspiracyarchive.com) The government has been working to correct this. That is why abortions haven’t been made illegal, it’s an easy way to let adults get rid of the governments problem. I have the feeling that the government isn’t entirely against the idea that “The poor birth the poor…and it is to my understanding that a yearling child would taste most excellent in a stew. (Swift 2)” To further this they have recently passed a bill allowing same sex marriages. This will continue with their plot to decrease the surplus population by allowing the desperate souls of women and men who’s love ones have been away or lost at war to seek consolation and love in those who are close to them. Most often these people are their best friends which usually are the same sex as they are. We all know that two women can’t have a child just like two men can’t, and thus the government triumphs once more.

So if the government doesn’t need or want us then why would it be listening in on us and watching us? Simple, it can’t just leave us alone to our thoughts and muses. We might start to look out side the box that they have constructed for us. Much in the same way you couldn’t leave a cardboard box full of rats without supervision. Eventually we become bored with our world, we start to gnaw at the corners while the others sleep until a hole is formed. At first only a few are daring enough to pass through into the new expanded world, but over time more and more start to venture through and the hole would continue to grow. Eventually we would all escape and there would be now way to introduce new people for the hole would be to great to patch and all control would be gone. The government can’t have this, it has to monitor us and make sure none of us get away. If any of us think of escaping then are quietly removed. It has to change things in order to mend the hole that only a few have courage to create. They have the power to control the media and through that they can control what we know and when we’ll know it. For all we know there could have been a war in Iraq, but then again it could have ended three years ago. We have only been told that it’s there and that it’s happening now. This is the way control works we are given “freedom”. “Freedom is an illusion created by those how have power for those who don’t (The Merovingian)” This is most certainly true. The government gives us an option but that option is carefully constructed to lead us in the path of their choosing. It’s like putting a person in a pit that has two doors at the bottom. You then tell the person that through the first door is a room containing a hungry lion and through the second is a room full of olives and martinis. You give them a toothpick and tell them to fend for food. You, being the government, know that the person will:

a) Go in to the room of olives to eat. You also know they will also drink the martinis which will give them the courage and stupidity to take on the lion. This action will result in the person’s death and you will then take the dead man’s money.

b) Not trust you and will think you are trying to trick him. He will then go into the room with the lion and be eaten. You will then go and take the dead man’s money. Or...

c) Be completely incompetent and will waist all his energy trying to climb out of the pit and will die of hunger. You will then go down and take the dead man’s money.

That is how the government plans and works.
Now, why is the government trying to gain all this money? What is it going to do with it? The government is after money for the same reason as anyone else, Power. Now I feel it is time to reveal something I should have long ago. This entire time that I have been talking about the government I have not been meaning the United States government. They are a large portion of the system of which I speak, but I have not been meaning them exclusively. The true government is one in the making. One that has yet to show it’s face openly to the world. I am speaking of the New World Order. This government seeks to control everything. It already has holds on the media. Radio and television are strongly influenced given orders on what to and what not to air. The school system has been under its control for a very long time. Resent budget cuts in the education system are not due to a lack of money. The money is there; it is just being filtered. They are trying to get rid of the classes that allow children to think for them selves. Classes such as art and music that posses the ability to open students minds are the main focus of this operation. The level of education a student might acquire is often controlled by organizations such as the Illuminati, the Freemasons, and the bones. Students are selected by strict standards or by particular bloodlines allowing only those who are deemed worthy to advance. The New World Order, or NWO, is a conglomeration of all the mega-powers in the world. It uses such organizations to select its future members and educate them in the appropriate manor. “The goals of the NWO are to:

  • Consolidate everything.
  • Commercialize everything.
  • Classify everything.
  • Claim everything.
  • Control everything.”(Carle 1)

Until the NWO is fully organized it uses subdivisions such as the Omega Agency, or OA, to control its future factions. Whenever you hear of something being out side the governments control that is because it is happening by the command of the Omega Agency.

Obviously the government is not to be trusted. It constantly lies and deceives us all for the soul purpose gain power for it’s self. The only way to fight the oppression that will swiftly ensue is to understand what is happening in the world around you. Your only true enemy is your ignorance its self. It is for this reason that I pass on this information. I intend only to enlighten others with my words. I reiterate, it is of the utmost importance that you share this knowledge with only those that you trust you life with, for that is exactly what you’re doing. It may already be too late for me, but it’s not to late for the rest of the world. Knowledge is power, gain it and wield it well.

Works Cited

Carle, Erica: The Intelligent Student's Guide to the New World Order: 1999

Conspiracy Digest: www.conspiracydigest.com: 2004

Illuminati Conspiracy Archive, The: www.conspiracyarchive.com

Merovingian, The: The Matrix Reloaded: 2003

Swift, Jonathan: An Modest Proposal: page 2

United States bureau of the Census: www.census.gov/cgi-bin/popclock: 2001

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