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A87962836 - The Ultimate Disney Classic Animated Film Guide: 2020 - 2024
Bluebottle Started conversation Jan 1, 2025
Entry: The Ultimate Disney Classic Animated Film Guide: 2020 - 2024 - A87962836
Author: Bluebottle - U43530
An entry five years in the making.
A87962836 - The Ultimate Disney Classic Animated Film Guide: 2020 - 2024
SashaQ - happysad Posted Jan 3, 2025
Thank you
Very interesting - I didn't see most of these, so it is good to read about them. I did see Wish and enjoyed it, but didn't pick up on all the references, so that is educational I don't remember the ending very well, but I'm not sure "the power to decide who gets to grant wishes - except of course for the female protagonist" captures it quite right - Magnifico was corrupted by the power to grant wishes, not the power to decide who grants wishes, so Asha is in a different position?
Looks like there are a couple of dates missing in the Live Action section?
Excellent conclusion - intriguing questions indeed. I don't have any sense of how streaming services fare in relation to balancing out box office takings - VHS etc must have had some effect, too, but not on such a scale as pandemic plus streaming...
A87962836 - The Ultimate Disney Classic Animated Film Guide: 2020 - 2024
Bluebottle Posted Jan 3, 2025
Thanks for your comments, some fair points there so I've tweaked the entry, particularly the conclusion.
With 'Wish', Asha is given a wand and so can grant wishes, which to me looks like exactly the same power Magnifico has, that of being able to grant wishes. I'd be intrigued to see a 'Wish II' in which Asha has grown up and been corrupted by the absolute power that she's been given, that'd be a good twist. Disney keeps shying away from villains at the moment and reworking them into being misunderstood, such as Cruella or Maleficent.
In the old days of VHS, DVD etc, of course the actual time varied depending on release but home media releases tended to be roughly 9 months to a year after cinematic release, so you'd know that if you didn't see the film in the cinema you'd have to wait a year before you could see it again, or maybe it'd be out for Christmas. But a noticeable wait.
A cinema trip used to cost about £5 each, buying a Disney film on home media about £16, so for a family of four the costs are comparable.
Now with Disney+ the delay between cinematic release and streaming release has been 45 days. So if there's a Disney film in the cinema and you are paying £5 a month for a Disney+ subscription, you could spend £40* taking my family to the cinema now, or wait 6 weeks and see what you've already paid for when it is released to Disney+ then, without being surrounded by strangers in a post-pandemic world.
*Cinema costs have increased noticeably since Covid.
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A87962836 - The Ultimate Disney Classic Animated Film Guide: 2020 - 2024
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